APR 8 2013 The Pleiadians ~ Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont



The Pleiadians

The first contacts with us become ever more real and truthful due to the way you are evolving now. Gigantic leaps have been taken by the collective, partly thanks to the numerous lightworkers who never gave up hope remaining in their power and who continued passionately creating a strong basis for cooperation. We say to you : thank you, all those ones who have kept working so profoundly deep and who persevered with their missions. It will really all be worth your while, this is generally understood and known.

There are several ways of contacting us, some of you already have been able to establish a direct contact with us such as for instance through telepathic connection and even through direct visual contacts in their own reality. However, most forms of contact pass by unconsciously but that is now changing gradually into a more conscious contact, such as the contacts that are made in the dreamstate.

Many collective hearts still choose this way of communication as it feels comfortable to them. We are in agreement over this and we proceed not only with what is expected from us from the Cosmic Order but also with the actual contacts with you and the merging with us. We call this merging with us your “vindication”, where you come to a point  in which you return to your true Self. We are your higher aspect and your future Self in the real time that you call the “future”; we have stated this fact in many previous messages.

We are approaching “full contact” and are working tirelessly on the possible effects that they will have in your collective world. We explicitly take everyone of you into account, we also take the collective of humanity, still holding dormant souls, into account. Rest assured that the time does not stand still and this applies also to our actions and the energies we all invest in this TOGETHER with all of you.

A consensus has already been reached on the scope of our language and of ourselves towards you and what we shall bring and offer to your world. The first thing we gladly would bring is an offer of Love and peace all over the world. This applies to everyone and everything on your planet and it is our greatest conviction that the hearts of humanity will be most grateful for this and really wouldn’t want anything else on this planet.

Nevertheless, this is our biggest concern and requires lots of energy as still up to this day there are too many disputes over power and ego, over separation. Ominous warmongering is still on the table and that is totally unacceptable, it can no longer be tolerated in your current and higher world. It has to do with the very last dormant souls who still dwell in their delusion but who will be shaken up quite boisterously.

Be thankful for who you are and for what you have already experienced, seen and felt so far. Be grateful for knowing and helping one another, for cherishing each other and for cooperating together. There is nothing as wondrous as what is now taking place on this beloved Gaia. Behold the blessing and the opportunity in everything as it is an extremely blessed and special process. Admittedly, this global Ascension and reformation of your world is a rather difficult and harsh school of learning, but it will all be worth it in the end.

You are truly the pioneers of Ascension, you are the new world leaders, all of you as One! You are now a more pure and clear collective unit with all your aspects and your Being. You bring renovations to this world, you bring this world out of duality, so go ahead and wait no longer. Get out of your lazy chairs on which you have adopted a waiting pose and see the world as it is. Declare your own freedom, embody your true Self once again and step forward into the world of manifestation and of multidimensional Being. Do not delay any longer, as we can only wait for you to be ready pushing yourselves into full consciousness and into your higher reality.

We are present with you and for you! Together we will work and build on the manifestation of a new world. This is what you are currently doing and the time is right. Let us tear down the last vestiges of duality, wait no longer but take action! Do not wait for the messages nor for the messengers to do it for you; be realistic and look from your heart to find out how far things have evolved. Help where necessary, use your talents and enrichments and avail yourselves of your wonderful energy and Light to assist all this and guiding it to a blissful and perfect outcome for the entire collective of humanity.

You are so close and we are near to all of you: this is a fact and not a fiction! It only pertains to understanding and viewing things from a different stance : from your heart and your inner core, not from the outer world nor from scenes playing out there. It is from within that we attune and adjust, it is from within that we extract all our knowledge and where we duly find ourselves. Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part. We supervise your safety and that of Gaia, but we also keep on working with hope in our hearts on our first real contacts with all of you! Ultimately this all is in your hands, do not let us down, but especially do not let yourselves down.

We love you with all of our hearts and we hope and know that we shall see you soon and that you will be able to see us in your reality. For several years we are already amongst you. Many of you are us while others are different “species” of Light and are Galactic brothers and sisters. We all form one entirety, representing the entire Cosmos and we all are part of the Cosmos.

Remain now the hopeful and joyful souls that you essentially are and enjoy everything that you do, that you bring and that you think. Be kind and happy and lift yourselves out of the rut and the depressing emotions of duality! See yourself radiating again and see how your tintillating energies reach out and share their bliss with every heart on Earth. Godspeed, our beloveds. Be blessed and beautiful for that is what you are, each and everyone of you!

The Pleiadians

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

APR 5 2013 Méline Lafont: A personal message from The Masters of the Far East ~ part 3 of the process of transformation



April 5, 2013

(This channeling is actually a personal message to me. These Masters are known by the book of “Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding, a wonderful book I was told  that, unfortunatly, I have not read yet. They came in early November to give me guidance in my Transformation and Transmutation process that is still running. Since this guidance includes important tips in it, I decided to share my message with you all. Keep in mind that this is a personal message to me, and this can vary from person, and therefore there is a chance that this does not resonate with your person and heart. The entire channel consists of 20 written pages and is composed of parts from the entire channeling and includes steps. The first part and second part of the entire message, can be found here.  This is the last part.  All these 3 parts are channeled tools personally from me and through me, as received from these Masters.  Therefore these are my personal tools and are protected by Copyright. You may freely use and share these messages and tools if they include my copyright links at the bottom of this message.  Much love, Meline )


Beloved Méline, once more we are close to you and we would gladly relay more on the aspect of the transformation, which you are undergoing presently in your current body. Meanwhile we have arrived at the final phase and step in this whole process and we gradually continue with our guidance relevant to this, so that you can eventually execute everything independently in complete trust and heart choice. Pay attention, it is of the utmost importance that this is your heart choice otherwise don’t bother even starting up the process at this time. It is a very intensive process at that, so don’t underestimate the effects it will have on your physical and mental self.

What we would like to discuss today is the actual transformative step which will gradually bring everything to your original Self, to the state before incarnation. It has to do with a few steps and adjustments of your physical body which in themselves can be very intense and require lots of focus and energy on your part. Our last point that we had reached is the ‘zero point’ phase and dito state of Being, where no charges nor thoughts are present but where everything just is. One flowing state of Being from which creation is born.

The creation that has emerged from this neutral energy is what shapes life from a Source of energy that is life and shapes life in itself. Something is done and shaped with this energy, moulded in a very wonderful creation with intention and Love. As always, love is the momentum for everything, Love is where everything arose from, Love is the breeding ground for All That Is.

When an incarnation decides to “die” and to cross over into another way of existing, of exploration and of Being, than the physical vessel is put down and left behind for it to decompose. It is no longer fed and is doomed to decompose into nothingness. It doesn’t exist anymore and is non existent on whatever level. However, the soul and the state of consciousness are indissoluble, cannot be casted off nor can they die; they are your own immortal Being capable of growing and evolving into all sorts of shapes and degrees of consciousness in order to gain experiences and feelings. We are now going to talk about your immortal Being, which is your natural Self and into which you are returning.

Everything, everyone is immortal on planet Earth, make no mistake about that. It has only been the choice to experience mortality in order to learn specific lessons to know and accept even more how truly wonderful everything is, even the lessons implied and the mortality. In every kind of life all has its charms whatsoever and nothing is too insignificant to gain experiences from, for lessons and experiences are most welcome in the cosmos. We experienced our daily lives on Earth as an intense and hot soup made of various ingredients and every ingredient had its outspoken feature and goal. It is just a matter of tasting it to find out whether it is just the thing you want to experience again. This is the way life is in duality and so it will always remain until choices are made to continue on with the evolution.

Méline, you have arrived at this stage and we are very pleased because that what you can now expect to unfold, will be an enormous release of everything that no longer serves you or that feels uncomfortable to you. We are going to amply, lay claim to your gifts and spiritual insights to enable this unfolding for you, as ultimately you will do it with your own way of being, with your own insights, knowledge and worth. We are with you during all your steps to clarify things for you and to stand by your side during the intense moments inherent in this process, as we are dealing with a process involving steps and stages. Be prepared now for the finalization and be ready at all times for things will unfold quicker than you think. Saint Germain has joined us now in our conversation.


Let’s begin by enumerating the final steps of the transformation process;


1/ Know as no other what you want to shape, create or be and be convinced of this 100%. Let nothing distract you from your goal or mission and create solely from your heart. Intentions coming from the heart really reinforce everything in a positive and enlightening way; stand firmly in your own truth and make clear plans and deals with yourself to where you want to go and what your limit is. Accept everything that comes from your yeart completely and unconditionally for it is your true Self that guides you along the way …

2/ be extremely cautious with your thoughts during the creation from the position of ‘zero point’ as those thoughts will be taken along in your current creations. Everything that is predominantly present in human thoughts will also take shape and will manifest in your reality. Linger at all times in your heart with loving intentions so that only Love and enlightenment will follow from this. You are a Being of Love and that is what you are longing to grow and evolve into, a state in which Love is the best power source and the basic source.

3/ Reach out to others in need; for someone in distress there is nothing more helpful than a heart filled with love, a lending hand, support and a loving input. This too is important in a transformation process, even if it is  personal and not collective, because the heart is supposed to feel true compassion and Love, not ego or separation. When your heart goes out to others and helps wherever possible, there is a harmony within yourself and there’s no room left for ego nor judgments. You can only start from this point and not until it is duly reached. Love and balance are a great necessity.

4/ Whenever thoughts or feelings about food arise during this process you will see that there is no longer the question of appetite. The physical body undergoes such strong changes into a more lighter body and dito energy that food no longer resonates with the Being and the yearning for food will greatly diminish. There are exceptions and moments in which the need for nourishment can happen mostly in moments where the earthly vessel is again more earth bound, and in such cases a very light food substance and tiny portions of it are commended. Food creates heaviness and a low density with which the lightcells do not resonate nor do they get nourishment from it. Light, energy and Love are the new substances enabling the maintenance and the feeding of the lightbody. Intentions, the harmony of the heart, bliss and balance are also the foundations and food sources of the lightbody. Drink lots of water during your life on Earth but double that amount during your transformation process because water enables a more smooth flowing of energetic pathways, enforcing and smoothening the transformation process.

5/ Once you reach, feel and notice a state of Ascension and a higher consciousness, try to move ever so slowly into this state and feel how far you can go and explore this Dimension. Do not at first try to examine its borders, do not go to extremes,  for your body experiences this also, up to a certain degree. Get accustomed, little by little, to this new and high influence of the light and let your body acclimatize to your renewed state of Being and of creation.

6/ Feel and notice everything from your inner view and not through your physical eyes. What you see is not the reality you still wish to experience, so evolve into your inner world and turn into the opposite direction away from duality and illusion. The fact that you have to, once and for all, distance yourself from the illusion has to happen in such a way that it is your heartfelt desire to do so in full surrender to your Divine Self from the heart, as is mentioned above. That is the reason why the choice must be made from the heart otherwise the distractions of the unrealistic world could be too pronounced.

7/ Have faith when it concerns yourself. You know and feel what and who you are from an energetic point of view and you know and feel how to best proceed, in what manner and at whatever pace. Ultimately you have the power and the capacity to create and Be whoever you so choose and desire, so also in this case have faith in yourself lest you stagnate your creation and your transformation.

8/ No matter what timezone you experience in your current reality, make way for adventurous travels and explorations within your new and personal Self/world. If you are inclined to go jogging in the middle of the night, or to meditate or even to play, write, dance, sing, whatever,.. do so. Do not adhere to the notion that it is for instance nighttime and you are supposed to be in bed, or that it is early in the morning and therefore not the time for you to start singing when everyone else is still asleep, or that your timing is off to meditate because everyone expects you to be present somewhere. No, these are all self imposed structures and rules devised, inculcated and created by humanity. There are no limits nor rules, there is only what is, there is only the NOW. So indulge in everything that comes up and in what you deem important for your being, no matter when and that way you are not bound by those rules and timeframes for even time is a rule and an inculcation coming from nothing for it is nothing : it is only a creation of the human mind, nothing more! So withdraw your energy out of this illusion of time, rules, laws, money etc… and in doing so deconstruct the old reality and start anew with all your energy by forming what makes you so beautiful and what you wish to experience and to BE, as the renewed world in itself.

9/ and so we arrive at the final step of this phase of the transformation which you are currently undergoing Méline : Be and see, feel and know what you are, who you are and that what you now shape. What you now remember and what you know you are, are the very first real openings into your expanded state of consciousness. Make use of all opportunities and inspect with your heartfeeling who you are and who you are shaping, for this is what you do in a transformation process : the reshaping, the merging with your True Self, the one you have always been and still are and are again becoming. Everything occurs in the NOW moment, so you have never ever been different than your True Self, you have never been anybody else, you have never been wrong, you just forgot feeling your Being in incarnation and the knowing that everything is interrelated and everything is One.

Now that we were able to share our contribution we wish to congratulate you with your final step in the Transformation. Take in lots of Light these coming days to allow yourself to be fully shaped and to Be, for your reunion with your Twin Flame and your true self  is at hand and has already started in a very endearing and deep way. You will be most pleased to hear that we have already been informed of a successful process in relation to the Twinflame reunion of you and your beloved Master, meaning that it will pose no problem whatsoever for your Being and incarnation: this is truly wonderful news! We remain at your disposal at all times and it has been our pleasure to share this message with you. You can safely convey these steps to humanity, those who will gain from this info one way or the other will get this message into their lives. We wish for you to have a wonderful day and much time in the wondrous world of Transformation and Ascension. Do it right and do it consciously!

Namaste, the Masters of the Far East.


Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

APR 2 2013 Méline Lafont ~The Cosmic Ray: a message and introduction

cosmic ray 2

(Méline: This is a personal message that came in right after writing my visions and experiences here.  It started as a personal message, but there are pieces that are intended for all of us and may be applicable for all of you. This is an introduction of the Cosmic Rays that we can begin to integrate into our being.  You can expect more posts  of the Cosmic Rays through myself in the future from now on.  With Love )

Dear, we are the Cosmic Ray connecting with you.  We are the forces of Light, of manifestation and of the vibration of Love.  We are here to invite you into your New World and to bring it into manifestation.  We are at the pace of a grand action and manifestation in your world.  These messages and visions are your personal creation of Self that which you are reflecting in your outer reality.  The time has come for you to see and be this world, for you have gained your Self-consciousness again and are starting to transform your outer body into Self.  A much Lighter form is upon you and a wonderful vision on Earth.  Oh, what wonders do we form from the minds and hearts of beloveds.

We are the forms called Love and Light and what we bring is what we ARE.  We have many Rays in our Cosmic Ray forming the truth and deepest energies of Light.  We expand consciousness with a touch and by the integrations of our Rays, we are therefore infinite and a blessing to Self.  Dear, it is our cosmic wish to see your world BE upon beloved Gaia in such a way that it is your truth and your real manifestation and reality of heart.  The time has come to integrate our being and energies in such a degree that a reconnection with our Rays and your world is a fact.

The melting together of our consciousness with your own and that of humanity is now emerging into a grand possibility in such a way that our Presence is now allowed and possible on your Earthly and personal plane and Dimension.  Now that the shift has occurred and the entrance of the new world is open, all these new magical possibilities and worlds of creations are yours to be and to experience.  Here is where we are present and we can co-exist in Harmony as One again.  Your degree of Consciousness has risen in such a way, that our Presence and Embodiment, being the Cosmic Ray, is now your reality and Self.

Let your precious being integrate us fully, dear, so that you are capable of levitating your True Self out of this lower dimension and exist only in the Highest form of that what you are.  Your Ascended Lady Master Self is now arising for others to see and feel because this is your True Self.  As for others on beloved Gaia, the portal is now open to travel further than is already known and the possibility exists to grasp all the new experiences in these inter Dimensional planes and realities.  An entire new experiment and dito world is in order and ready to present itself to your embodiments and your Self.

If you wish to continue in this body expression, then the choice will be made to experience more transformations into Self where a more Lighter form existing of Light and less solid substance will be shaping your outer form.  This is what you choose and what we are forming along with your Self, our rays assist you in this new process.  If one dear chooses to float into an energy form directly, a much lesser transformation will be needed for the human vessel, as they will leave the earthly vessel behind and be the Light energy and Light form right away on a much lesser painful or uncomfortable way.  Whatever the choice will be, it is your own and personal one.

Much dears are choosing to experience the transformation of a human vessel into a Galactic and even into a higher vessel of Light, reaching such a level where an understanding exists where the not forming of an “outer” form or vessel, whether it is a Light form or a lesser solid form, is not such an uncomfortable process anymore but rather a very easy “split of a second” process.  Your consciousness is expanding in such a grand way that knowledge and understanding is a normal and natural way.  This process is now revealing much truths for you, where a much deeper understanding is bringing and birthing a whole new way of living, acting and being.

Our Cosmic Ray embodiment includes the 22 Rays of God, now available to you to access and work with.  Our rays have different levels of understanding and consciousness and these implant seeds bring activations and real manifestations upon your planetary world as well as in your Self, your inner World.  These are now available for all, such as your Self, dear, and are bringing the new dawn of Light into reality.  Consciousness is rising and our embodiment will make sure that  a much further degree of understanding and cosmic logic will be the leading way to complete understanding and accepting, knowing and being.

Love is our generation of being and we, the Cosmic Ray and embodiment of all these Cosmic Rays of God, bring you the generation of Love upon your world and in your true Self of Light.  We cooperate and exist from the Will of God and ARE LOVE.  The first wavers of this beloved GAIA will now start to understand more about their true nature of Self and see their selves being reflected in the hearts of others.  See your fellow dears through the eyes of Self and others and be the heart that you are to help raising others into full truth and fellow compassion.

We are talking about the first 3 wavers of volunteers that are now at the pace of their grand exploration and true missions in the new born world and Consciousness.  These dears will understand more about their true Selves and way of existing and will explore and evolve grandiosely, just after this birth to the higher dimension, being a new born soul of Light.  This is now and this is our main reason for coming to your consciousness, for the Cosmic Ray is now at your disposal to work with and merge with as we are your Christ embodiments of all of you on Earth.

This is the new and higher State where you all dears are merging into and the embodiment of all the Rays of God forming the Cosmic Ray, as all is uniting to a Cosmic Consciousness; the Oneness.

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Magatha from Agartha ~ We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont March 28 2013

city of Light

(image: http://www.scoop.it)

As channeled by Méline Lafont

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. The time has come to again provide a short update concerning the current state of affairs pertaining to the Inner Earth as well as to the Earth. I welcome all of you with an open heart full of love and gratitude.

At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occuring.

We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality. Many hearts will be able to welcome us in their world and will truly see us. A lot of work went into that project, which we agreed to honor in cooperation with the star civilizations as well as with all of you.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that only the awakened and activated hearts will actually experience our entrance into their reality because one has to vibrate and exist on the exact same frequency as ours for this to occur. This frequency is the heart frequency and the state of Being and is naturally the foundation for the new reality and the new world. It is there that we can be found and since a whole new reality is about to manifest within yourselves, you are more than ready for this.

Be aware that it is different from person to person and is always requiring a real process. This is one of the concepts on which we have worked hard and still continue to do so because we truly want everyone of our Earth brethren to succeed and to Ascend into their own world of Being.

The still dormant souls who dwell in a lower frequency will not yet be able to see or feel us, but even that is about to be rectified. We so look forward to let the real contacts become factual with the first awakened ones amongst you. Whatever appears as an image or an energy, or a phenomenon will always require some kind of adjustment or accustomance on your part but the recognition will be genuine for many. We have started!

Another important point we wish to highlight is that presently we are working on a project which will disengage a lot in the hearts of the people. We are going to bring a few projects to the front wich will assist many souls with their process of building their new world on beloved Gaia. We possess the required technology and dito knowledge to assist in the building, as for us this belongs to our past which returns now, albeit in other and better circumstances. Like no other we know where the traps are situated and we can offer our expertise to all of you. Many souls amongst you once belonged to our very same civilization in the times of Atlantis and are now back in incarnation to work together with all of us to enable this Ascension to succeed globally.

Tunnels have been prepared and cleared to enable all those willing to join us in our inner cities. Numerous cities of the Light are also being prepared for you to use according to the creations through your inner self as you create your own city and world. All this becomes available unites together into 1 global and collective world. Only one timeline is shaped and that timeline is called the ‘NOW’.

Due to the fact that the collective has to be ready for this, many shifts and changes are now taking place so that everyone gets the opportunity to evolve further in this new world. Those of you who have already attained a state that enables them to perfectly evolve further and to soar in the new frequencies and dito state of Being, will connect with us more quickly than compared to those who still cling to the old world. It all depends on yourself of course. Anyway, our worlds and our cities come together and form what will be called the new Earthly paradise. This is inevitable after what has shifted on Earth since the alignment on December 21st. 2012 and especially this spring equinox has given rise to a profound manifestation and shift of the human collective.

Everything has now to be played out and your cooperation will be decisive whether this will swiftly come to pass in YOUR reality or not. We, the Agarthans, are overjoyed to be the bearers of such great news for you in your reality. Remain centered and grounded at all times so that our energies can work together and merge into one.

I Am Magatha and I speak on behalf of the Agarthan civilization. I express my gratitude for your focus and your attending presence. In Love and Light.

 Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~ welcome to your magical new world ♥ March 27 2013


cosmic world

We have shifted big time !  That is what, in several ways, is coming in these past 3 days and nights. All sorts of messages and clear hints saying that in fact the shift is present and happening BIG time.  Since the spring equinox I have felt, seen and experienced so much that is beyond my control and my comprehension.  The only thing that I can explain will be these following  sentences, explaining  to you my messages and feelings that I have received during these days.

As the equinox was taking place, lots of energies were pouring in and through our bodies.  I have been experiencing sudden different ways of heart beatings, like first my heart would skip beats to then take a leap into a race as if an explosion would result from  it, which was fortunately not the case.  It is clear that you do not have control over this whatsoever and luckily this is the case, or we would hold on to fear too much or block our way to Ascension.

This, I experienced on March the 25th of this year after having quite an intense night.  This process of heart beating was suddenly taking place and lasted a few seconds while I felt this energy coming through my heart and lifted me up.  After that, I felt very lightheaded and not so comfortable, then I received the advice to lay down.  I received 3 short messages right after that process: LAST ASCENSION, END DUALITY and OUT OF DUALITY, REUNION.

As I went to get my kids from School, I all of a sudden felt emotional while driving and looking at the beautiful sun.  Tears were flowing and I had a feeling of happiness and relief.  I could not control those tears and I felt myself so good!

I went to bed early that night and felt myself sweating and feeling warm the entire night, I was often awake and when I finally fell asleep, I went very deep. The next day, I got a text message from my mother. She was telling me that it was “quite a night” and that something had shifted for sure.  It appeared that the outer world was transformed and shifted, and as she started to stare with her third eye she saw no solid forms anymore but only energies.  She called the day of the 25th and the night into the 26th of March a cosmic day and night, which clearly was in line with what I got as short messages on the 25th all pointing to the same direction: A cosmic shift out of duality!

This is it, my precious friends, we are on this amazing ride and true manifestations are building themselves up to become tangible for our outer world as well. Last night, again, I got a very clear vision and message telling me things are becoming clear and tangible!

In this vision I was outside and saw 2 full moons very close to each other and as I was recording it with my camera, suddenly more full moons appeared and multiplied themselves into thousands of moons and other white planets.  Some were small and far away and some were very close and big, as if you could just jump on them.

The sky was violet and the stars suddenly transformed into fairies flying around and welcoming us.  I was watching it and I so enjoyed this!  I was thinking; finally it is our reality!  My boyfriend was also present in my vision together with his father but they did not understand what the fuss was all about. Clearly a reflection of their present state of consciousness.  They could not see it nor feel the beauty.

This picture is the closest to what I have been showen, only much more moons and planets, with faries and a violet sky.

cosmic world 2

Again this vision is sharing the same message: a cosmic shift and manifestation of the new reality which was in this case my personal one I guess, the way I created it and saw it; all violet J

Again after a rather special and intense night, the sun was shining and we had a clear blue sky for 2 days in a row now.  The only clouds that were forming in the sky today were all special shapes : 2 were Angel wings and a few were cloud ships, and I even saw a dragon form and little fairies.  Am I losing my mind, or is this wishful thinking?  No it is not, it is all telling the same; welcome  to your magical new world ♥

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~ oneness is what has birthed us and brought us to the aspects of experiencing ~ Channeled through and from Self ~ March 25, 2013



(Note from Méline: From now on I will be channeling under my current incarnation name and not under the name of Lady Portia anymore, for we are One and the same.  But you will still find these messages under the label of Lady Portia on my pages.  Much Love precious hearts ♥)

As we now enter this new state of being, we start to see the reflections of the inner merging with the reflections of the outer, forming your current reality.  Be aware that this is your renewed self and your new state of being, that is forming itself more and more into your Earthly plane, beloved Gaia’s state of consciousness.  All is combined and co-operating and seeing to it that “All That Is” now starts to be reflected as well on your inner as on your outer world.

We see the transfigurations starting to express themselves in a more conscious way, so that full consciousness can be achieved and is within reach.  As much as the collective form of human beings is shaping itself into a most enlightened way, all is within reach of your true and beautiful selves.  A big accomplishment is forming itself where trust and infinite Divine attention is involved and reaching its highest state.  See to it that the heart is always in harmony with all that you do and all that you bring in such a way that you offer help and assist other beloved hearts.


Now, a new generation of Light and enrichment is birthed, bringing us all to uniting as ONE.  Parts are melting as one and merging with our selves, forming the new and true You.  Nothing is as astonishing as becoming your one true Love source of energy and Light.  This is the most wondrous process that is taking place for all of humanity and it is a blessed opportunity. Take the opportunity that brings you into a different level of awareness and start to be this all.  There is never a difference in what you are and what another heart is, for oneness is what has birthed us and brought us to the aspects of experiencing.

All is infinite and a never ending story, for all floats in oneness and magical formations forming the YOU.  All is everything and everything is All.  The entire cosmos defines who we are as the multidimensional beings that we are.  We form the cosmos with our aspects of being and color of Light, creating this giant web of I AM. Thinking about it, we create lots of potentials because we are God creators of Light; every single one of us, with no exception.

So let us form this web of creations of our I AM presences of Light with a new intent and a new power that is called the Oneness of All and the being of Love, so that the entire Universe and beyond, being part of the cosmos, is a great contribution to this power of Love in all Oneness.

I AM that I AM

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~ Lady Portia: The breakthrough of a new frequency ~ March 21, 2013




As received on March 21, 2013

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I may announce to all of you, precious hearts, that a huge shift has taken place and is currently still unfolding. A wonderful progress has been made in the hearts and in the collective of humanity. Big leaps have been taken by many hearts and countless awakenings are still occurring thanks to the energetic influx of the spring equinox and to the energies coming in from Galactic center.

A large number of awakened souls have diligently participated in this process and have enlightened their soul in such a way that a big part of the collective have instigated a new Ascension process. As we now enter into this profound and refined world of our Being, all preparations have been made for the next step leading us ever further into the magic of our Being. Numerous influences of the Light have been birthed which will assist everything on Earth to evolve in a more explicit way, which will tintillate the flames in more and more hearts.

On this current level of your Being a more global gradation is about to be reached corresponding with the 5th and the 6th Dimensional frequency of Being. Everyone and everything can now reach a higher consciousness and a higher being up to the point that a complete connection with their Self can be established. For some souls this process has already been accomplished; their remaining task is to keep on assisting on beloved Gaia in order to lead everyone to the connection with their own Being. On the other hand some souls will be allowed to evolve further on to reach an even higher level of consciousness on another level and another way of Being. The current influxes of the spring equinox can make this all possible so grab this opportunity firmly with both hands and evolve further till you reach your desired point in evolution.

Now that we enter into this magical Earth time of the equinox, your awareness will grow and what is currently unfolding will become more obvious. It is true that many have again gone through their daily Ascension process partly because of this energetic portal; however, what we must not forget is that many new hearts have also opened up for the truth and the freedom of their Self. All in all this is a rather huge accomplishment which in its own right will give rise to many changes. These new awakenings will result in a greater collective consciousness probably leading to a planetary, global and universal Ascension and that’s ultimately the reason for your presence on Earth in these times!

During the integrations of these new and powerful energies your physical bodies will again require more rest. Do not be concerned if you don’t feel or don’t notice anything, or if you haven’t had the time to meditate thereby assisting this whole process, as those intense energies will continue to deliver their necessary effects during the coming days, leaving nobody untouched. The varying effects differ from heart to heart and from place to place. As is commonly known there are variations in dimensional frequencies on beloved Gaia and even in this case there will be strong differences to the extent in which the equinox energies can unfold in specific locations.

One specific frequency field will expect more of the collective unity of cooperation and focus than the other because there are quite a few hearts and areas still lingering in a lower frequency field. That is now about to change drastically. What has been prepared for such a long time is now slowly reaching its own zenith. Numerous souls will be able to practise their calling and definitely start their missions on a collective and conscious level. There will be a need to focus on the inner world and on the heart so that a balance can be achieved and the work can be accomplished from a beautiful state of Being.

In the coming days a focus must be placed on the still lost souls who will be in need of our support and Love as the new definitely has started in your Earthly manifestations. The collective creates and delivers what it deems necessary so that the Ascension out of duality can be completed. That happens now, dear hearts, and that is what the equinox will now carry through. Nothing is as powerful as your own thoughts and your own heart frequency so let them merge as one whereafter you will only think with your heart and only heart feelings will pour into your thoughts. We have now entered a most wonderful time that is born from the alignment of 21 December 2012, and that is now coming to pass after a long period of many modifications and creations for the new.

Mother/Father God of all creation That Is, support this magnificent opportunity with their blessing and their onconditional Love. “Every cloud has a silver lining” is the aphorism of the day. Well, enjoy the first sunrays ushering in your new world as this is the beginning of the real manifestations from all of you through your hearts into your outer world. Positive times ahead, the best is yet to come!

Be aware, dear hearts, that everything manifests itself in a “no time” zone for the NOW moment is timeless and is remaining in the heart as it is there that the new world is born. Now that we are about to start the world of timeless Being, it will be quite a challenge to get past time, but be confident in yourself precious hearts, for you know how to do this because you are in fact timeless and by nature you always have been. The more a state of balance has been reached the easier it will unfold as if you are flowing on a stream of Love leading only to the most loving and warm experiences.

With much love in my heart

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage


Saint Germain ~ At present the Earth is about to shut down the 3D habits and energies in such harmonious way as possible ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 19/03/2013



Received on March 17, 2013

Beloved ones, I am here today to clarify some things not only about recent events but also about events which are to soon manifest on your Earth. A lot of hard work has been accomplished behind closed doors so to speak resulting in a possible great event or shift relating to, amongst other issues, your banking systems and a whole lot more. As always we ask you to release all concepts of time and all expectations in these matters as this attitude would not be helpful but would rather obstruct the smooth flow of energies which are due to take place.

At present you should learn, once and for all, to be timeless and to accept and work from the Now moment. As has been stated in my previous message, a lot is taking place and this is becoming more and more obvious also to the media. All this will lead to such a climax that the truth will set in and seep through your media sources. It can no longer remain hidden as everything is unfolding on a global scale and is hence felt by everyone, including the still dormant souls. There is no way back and it can no longer be blocked.

Have an unshakable trust in the Divine process of Ascension because it is a large part of  All That Is. It all boils down to recognizing, exploring and accepting your Divine Self in all freedom and Love. It is your right and your Being and absolutely nothing can stop you when you have chosen this from the bottom of your heart. Nothing can block the Divine Force of Ascension and liberation; this force will bring you further along in your evolution and your experiences in the Light.

Only time can somewhat hinder and delay this because there still exists an outspoken focus on dates and timeframes. It is HIGH time to only dwell in the NOW moment and from there to just keep on creating. If you are unsure what this Now moment is all about I advise you to isolate yourself in a quiet moment and to close your eyes. Listen to the beating of your heart and to your breathing, get a feel of enrichment when in contact with your inner Self in the heart and be one within your heart. You have just experienced the NOW moment and it feels good, unbounded and limitless.

All of you are limitless and this is also the case in your daily lives. There is nothing that in principle could block or prohibit you from being yourself. There are only distractions and attempts to keep it all in check and to restrain it. But I can assure you, beloved ones, that we are now far beyond that fact since enrichment and enlightenment are in the process of manifesting themselves on the Earth. Too many souls have awakened so that this kind of limited life on Earth is no longer accepted nor approved of. Your hearts are now wide open and expect, even demand only Love and harmony. Enlightenment is now the order of the day and we see this come to pass ever so swiftly.

We are aware that, from your point of view, this does not seem to be so but know that Gaia has set her first footsteps in the 5th Dimension in many energetic locations spread all over the Earth. Certain countries and locations already exist in the 5th Dimension depending on the consciousness of the collective population.  Other countries still exist in the 3rd Dimension and most countries exist in the 4th Dimension. It all depends on the state of consciousness. That state of consciousness is in its own right also dependent not only on how far someone has grown in his evolution and awakening, or to the degree of integration of the Light but most of all to the extent that the person works from his heart and not from his mind (through the brain).

The intellect is an important asset in daily life on the 3rd Dimension but the heart knows and feels everything. The brain is incapable of feeling, it can only perceive what it sees, and what it sees is just the illusion of this world. The new world is merely a heightened state of Being associated with higher frequencies and energies of the Light and of the heart. Your heart is the center of “All That Is” in your own Being.

A rather intense pressure will be felt there where humanity still exists in the lower frequency of the 3rd Dimension as the timelines converge whereafter time in itself will disappear and the upcoming spring equinox will play an important part in this. Prepare yourself for souls and locations still dwelling in the 3rd Dimension. If you find yourself in a location with this lower frequency but you are aware of all that is unfolding and you have duly reached a higher level of consciousness, than nothing can go wrong. So you don’t have to worry one bit.Those who dwell in the heart will always find themselves in a harmonious way and will escape the chaos, it will not affect you at all. That’s why I advise you to always remain grounded and to center yourself in your heart. You will be in dire need of this help and assistance these days and weeks and we count on all of you.

The locations and hearts dwelling in the 4th Dimensional state receive a huge opportunity to greatly further their awakening and bringing it that much closer to the full Ascension into the 5th Dimension. Also in this case it all depends on how you are dealing with all this in the NOW moment and how your actions, thoughts and feelings all originate from your heart. At this specific point in time there is a great gradation of 4D thoughts about to convert into a higher state of your Being and is bringing you ever so quietly to your 5th Dimensional state of consciousness and inner Self.

Congratulations are in order if you have already evolved this far, for although there is only a small number that can truly call themselves the pioneers of the 5th Dimensional World, that small number is working tirelessly on those three  different dimensions and even beyond those three.

At present the Earth is about to shut down the 3D habits and energies in such harmonious way as is possible for humanity so that the transition can occur in a most loving way. Humanity must now proceed lifting themselves into an even higher frequency and expand this as much as possible into a global manifestation. As seen from an energetic level, nowadays 50% is now dwelling in a 5th Dimension and by that I mean the Earth and her frequency ranges on a global, countrywise level, Her embodiment. Humanity, on the contrary, dwells at about 35% in a 4th Dimensional setting as to her consciousness and incarnations, whereas a small 25% has already shifted into the 5th Dimensional consciousness and even beyond. All the rest is still stuck in the world of illusion and are consequently dwelling in 3D.

Be aware that these percentages reflect how everything evolves presently, giving you a clear picture in an attempt to outline a general overview of how far Ascension has progressed. Much will depend on the upcoming changes and on the energies emanating from the intense Spring Equinox how the collective consciousness will evolve and accept who they truly are and what is about to unfold.

Most of all, be loving towards each other and look forward to a wonderful opportunity to get a beautiful prospect and a personal enrichment. The spring equinox will enable us to once more bring a lot to the forefront and to manifest it. Everything is an opportunity, a chance and a beautiful experience, one way or the other. You will never miss it, you will never fall short of experiencing whatever energy. Everything is free and available for everyone, nobody is left behind as everyone and everything are One.

Have complete faith in yourself and in your inner world. I urge you these days close to the equinox to amply meditate and to focus on your inner self, on your heart and on all the beautiful things you would like to see fulfilled.

I AM Saint Germain and I stand by your side.

I AM that I AM.

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~ about the new pope and everything around it, that is attracting our energies and attention ~My observation March 15, 2013



What a time and action are upon us all sweet ones !! Wow, so much is happening, shiftings being prepared and activated.. We are on the brink of so much more to come and this is our ride, ladies and gentlemen!  Isn’t this amazing?!  As we are entering the new energies that are emerging from the spring equinox, it is made clear to all of us to really work on the time issues and boundaries that we create with our minds.  It is time to let these go for good now precious hearts, now it’s the real big deal and no more excercises or adaptations anymore at this stage we are entering now, but real action and work to be continued.

I find the reactions and mental activity around the pope so interesting to see because everyone seems to be fixed on the new pope that has been elected just a few days ago.  To me it does not  interest me one bit because the catholic church and the Vatican have never interested me, so why would a pope be of interest to me? :-)   But as I wanted to watch some television before going to sleep, I could not ignore these facts on the  mainstream media because it was on every single channel.. So I watched the new pope for a few seconds and tried to feel him or form an opinion on him, which I could not have nor feel and I still can’t.

People have been mailing to me, contacting me or posing me questions about what I thought or knew about this new pope and every time I could not really answer or share my opinion on it because I simply don’t have one.  And now it just became so crystal clear to me why, that it is the reason that I wanted to write this all down and share away…

It became clear that I can’t judge nor have an opinion on him because I don’t feel comfortable in doing so.  I really have to force myself in trying to find a name or opinion on him, and it just does not work that way.. Wait, isn’t this the new way of living in the 5th Dimensional way of being?  Yes, it is! So actually I am grateful for this lesson and clear message from my Higher Self, which is telling me that I am at this time beyond judgment and that it is our natural way of being.

It does not matter if he is elected for Light purpose or dark purpose, or whatever purpose it might be.. It does not matter if he is of Light or not, what and who he is.. If we could pass this judgment and opinion that we are constantly forming with our minds, we can see that everything just is.  It does not matter what we all think of him, it will not change the fact what he is, and what he came to bring us in this reality.  Everything has its purpose, for the entire process we are in and everything, needs to be carried out in all sorts of ways so that renewal is a fact and can be manifested upon this world.  So actually it just is what it is; nothing more or less..

What we think or feel about this new pope, does not change the man for who he is or what he stands for!  The only thing that can bring change is the way we change ourselves and work on ourselves, for that is bringing the new into this Earth.  The more we are in balance with ourselves and the more we are beyond 3D in our ways of being and with each other, the more Light of the Higher Dimensions will be in us as well as on the Earth.  That we can change, through ourselves and not through another to force thoughts and things upon someone.  So if you think the new pope is ‘bad’, than ok that is your perspective and opinion, if you think he is of Light or ‘good’, that is your opinion too.. but it does not change the man at all.  He is elected now and that is fact, just as he is who he is: fact.

This is my feeling and experience about it, which just came into my mind about all this..
I am more acting and feeling in the way like: “ok he is the new pope and that is what it is, forming currently into this reality  and that is the way it is NOW”.  All this without figuring out what I feel or think about him, because it simply does not matter and does not help us at all.  It is again all about the dropping of forming thoughts and opinions about someone.  Be Love and send Love to everyone at all times, that is more the way it can help us all.

Anyway, this is just my observation from my point of view, where I AM standing :)

We are in the most excited times precious hearts, so be this all in the momentum of NOW ♥ My Love and gratitude, Méline ♥

 Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger andhttps://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Saint Germain ~ Be cautious and peaceful my beloveds, for you are entering a most exciting time amidst a climax of changes ~ channeled by Méline Lafont March 12, 2013


Received by Méline Lafont on March 12, 2013

Greetings to all of you, beloved hearts. Let’s talk today about the coming spring equinox and the upcoming summer months that are just around the corner. We in the higher Lightworld do not work with the notion of time or with timelines as you do, we just stick to the feeling of the NOW moment as well as to Earthly events to determine in what phase of Ascension you have arrived. We don’t use clocks nor dates to know how far we have evolved and we are aware when the time for us has come for the next wave of renewal, as everything really lingers in the Now moment. Hence this precursor, this explanation to once again duly clarify for you that nothing is time-based and that everything just is!

Once more we have arrived at a pivotal point in your timeframe which will enable countless transformations, shifts, renewals and Ascensions to unfold in your Earthly reality. The current reality, in which our Beloved Earth dwells, has in the meantime shifted already into the first layers of the 5th Dimension, in which specific groups of humanity have acceded, joining Gaia’s new state and Being. Accept this as a fact as it is obvious to see and to know it. But give yourself the opportunity and remain in a state of tranquility to really integrate this process and realize it fully before giving up too soon or criticizing that nothing has changed and everything remains the same, as this is no longer the case, far from it!

Take a closer look around you and observe what has transpired on your world : do you see the same scenes as compared to a few years ago or even some weeks ago? Look closely and compare when necessary with reports or stories from a long while ago. What do you see? What do you feel? Don’t you see that there really is a difference in perception as well as a different heartfeeling? Do you not feel that you have transformed into a new Self who wasn’t that pronounced earlier on or even present altogether? Do you feel the changes occurring in your inner self as well as in your outer reality? Ask yourselves these questions and observe closely within, feel it properly because through inner feelings you will get the answers more swiftly than through your outer reality.

Take a look at the banks and their systems getting into trouble and failing, governments that can no longer make progress with or without each other, the pope who is no longer able to stand his ground, the queen of England who is no longer in control of her assets nor her finances, power structures disappearing, fraudulous schemes being divulged and even engineered events coming to light which have provoked all kinds of drama’s in the past …. and I can continue on for a long time, dear hearts! What I am talking about here has unfolded and happened on your world in less than a month. Isn’t it marvellous what has been accomplished?! Isn’t this more than enough to become aware that much is transpiring thanks in part to your awakenings and your creations? These are fabulous things that are unfolding my beloveds, behold the beauty of it all and become aware from your heart that you all have accomplished this just by working and awakening from the heart.

Nothing is as it used to be and everything will continue evolving and coming to a great climax where even more shall be accomplished, even more will shift, even more will come to light on many levels : not just on the banksystems, on the governments but also on the level of the oceans and of Gaia, furthermore there will be many shifts on a Galactic level. Be cautious and peaceful my beloveds, for you are entering a most exciting time amidst a climax of changes.

Energetically seize the opportunity contained in the spring equinox and the summer solstice and consider this time as an acclimatizing time wherein the adjustments to the new 5th dimensional energies for your physical body become a fact and in which all of you will enter as the renewed and redeemed Self. You will feel more liberated than ever before because it is simply the road that you will now follow, freeing you in the process of all the illusions which were taken for granted for so long. This is a holographic world, my beloved ones, especially created for these kinds of lessons and experiments. You cannot experience duality on a higher level and our thanks go out to dearest Gaia as She has enabled this for the whole of humanity, in which you are incarnated.

Gaia deserves her rightful place back with us in the higher World and so do you! We all form one big family and soulgroup working together to accomplish this task and who will truly conclude it together. Duality is now in the process of disintegrating and that is a fact! However, do not put a date on it, nor an expectation as there is no time, there is only the Now! More and more people are becoming aware that it is their expectations and their human inclination to see this all change in a day and a night and that is impossible. Everything needs time, everything evolves along certain processes including the Divine … it is that way with everything : a birth is a process, a death is also a process, change and clarifications require time and phases, everything is a continuous process and that’s the reason why I want to amphasize the fact that you must really release all notions of time, no longer living by them!

Live from day to day as if there is no tomorrow and place, do and see everything happening in the now moment in which you find yourself.  Everything that is really going on in your world will be felt more intensely for you are one with us and with your timeless being; a state and a higher dimensional Being. When you release everything than there can be no more feelings of expectation and you are more open for the real that can be felt and shared. There is so much shifting going on, dear people, really a lot which I guarantee because I am actively involved, I am at the helm of the wheel!

I have already accomplished much work and I keep on delivering together with all the Galactic civilizations, the Masters and Archangels as well as the Brethren of the inner Earth. I vouch for that! Besides, many hearts already feel and know it for a fact, so don’t be disappointed that not everything is the way you expected it to be, for this is an expectation and all too often expectations only lead to disappointments. Release the energy and Be, feel and remain pervious : it is so wonderful to be truly free in All That Is without any expectations nor judgments : everything just is, including you!

Give yourself the right to evolve and to live in this Now moment and take into account  the reality that you already have made it; it is just that this has to be accepted, felt and regarded as such , it has to be truly known. Shifts are now taking place on a high level so to enable you all to evolve further in a more peaceful way. All this not only to Ascend together harmoniously into your new being, together with Mother Earth but also t simultaneaously recognize and know your Galactic Self as well as your family of the Light. This is a lot to take in and it is all taking place and happening inside of yourselves and since your inner world is the place from where everything starts, so will everything be reflected in your outer reality. BUT you have to release how you think this reflection will show up in your reality.

With much Love and friendship I remain definitely with all of you in the NOW and with lots of gratitude and respect, I greet you fully continuing to believe in you all. Be strong and audacious in the NOW and let yourself flow along confidently with these new and powerful energies of the spring equinox and the summer solstice for you will truly be amazed and enlightened. Remain in your own truth at all times and always operate from your heart!

I AM that I AM

 Saint Germain

 Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage