Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn November 12, 2012

My beloved children, the 11-11 portal has opened, and with it very powerful energies and opportunities come to you. It is one of the major milestones on your path to Ascension. You have meditated worldwide at this event and spread more love and light on your beautiful planet. Gaia is on the best way to become a beautiful blue star in the universe.

With this portal a new time line is open. Now two time lines are effective, the 3D and 5D timeline. They work in parallel until Ascension and are then separated again. At the same time also Gaia as 5D Earth will be separated from Lady Pan as 3D Earth and continues to live as an independent star in the solar system. It is very important to control your thoughts and words, because with this portal all manifestations are speeded up, whether it is positive or negative. Therefore, be very careful in what you think and say. It could manifest immediately.

This is also the time for the Twin Flame Reunion. Unfortunately, the reunion for the Archangels and Ascended Masters has significantly delayed for various reasons. My beloved son Jesus had already announced them for some time before but they had to be postponed.

My beloved, focus now very strong on your Twin Flames. Imagine how you are with them, dream of this time as intense as you can. You are in a time window, which can enable much and also will enable. Some Twin Flames have incarnated on Earth together to conduct their missions jointly. For this, it will now be easier, because the energies of this portal help waking up still sleeping Twins. It is not easy for you, I know it. Usually one Twin is more spiritually developed than the other. It is your job to help them to be awake, to explain to them and fulfill the tasks together. Love your Twin unconditional, do not be deterred by their lack of knowledge. They need you now more than ever.

I also know that some of you have given up the hope of a wake up of your Twins and turn away from them. I beseech you therefore, turn around and turn to them with unconditional love. Only together the common tasks can be fulfilled. Were it otherwise, only one Twin had incarnated. Do I have to remind you of your obligations, your contracts, you’ve closed before your incarnation? It is not easy for common incarnate Twin Flames, but it is possible to do it. But only if the More advanced help his still sleeping or just waking Twin.

My dear children, and I appeal to all of the light carriers, now is the time where you have to let your light shine ever more. The changes that are now obviously require your presence, your love and compassion for your fellow man. The forthcoming revelations will confuse many people and maybe even put in fear because their been so well-ordered world will be falling apart. Their supposed security will be collapsing and they’ll need your help now more than ever. You are the beacon in the strong surf that points the way. It’s part of your job to throw a lifeline to your fellow man through your own peace and serenity.

Lead them by your example through the coming weeks, you’re not going through it alone. Since your stellar families will soon be able to land open, you will get great help. Even my Angels and Ascended Masters support you in your quest.

You are so great my loved ones, we applaud you for your good work so far. Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished. It is unstoppable. It’s now just a matter of preparing as many people as possible to ascend. A wonderful life in the higher dimensions and more is the reward for your wonderful services. Your efforts are seen and appreciated by us. The energies of this portal will remain until Ascension. The portal has also opened a door for those who are already prepared to ascend. Some of you may now be needed on the new earth, to make preparations for the big event in not more than six weeks. Use so please these wonderful opportunities and energies and with mindfulness you can now manifest a great deal in a very short time. You can also speed up and influence the changes even more.

My beloved children, I envelope you in my infinite love. You are all quite fantastic people, light carriers, wayshowers and starseeds; my beloved incarnated Angels and Ascended Masters I refer here as well. Could you only all enjoy the view, which I have at the sight of Gaia. You would be amazed and would not doubt your success anymore.

I am your mother, I am Lady Maria.

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

14 thoughts on “Together, this work, where people have failed over eons, will be accomplished – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn November 12, 2012

  1. Absolutely beautiful, Isabel. Thank you so much. Would you please add a Pinterest share button, so I can post your messages on my Pinterest board? xoxo


  2. Thank you beloved sis for this beautiful message, which I take by heart, blogged it on and facebook page.. Love you! ♥


  3. So very wonderful and perfect! Yes, it’s all about my twin flame now….i talk to him energetically daily and coax his awakening through my Heart. It’s time for Us to reunite! Thank you for this fabulous and loving post. I have it on my blog, under more great posts 🙂 Love, Sky


  4. I love this post. But I feel I am missing out on everything. I don’t know how to meditate. I have no twin flame that I am aware of. I wish I had people in my day to day life to interact with. I’m very alone all the time. Any family I have is in other states, and spending my favorite holidays all alone really hurts. How can I become aware of, and meet my twin flame, if I have one? I would like to be a part of all the wonderful changes taking place, but I do not know how too. I feel like its all passing me by. How can I change myself? What do I need to do to be able to be part of the light and new energies coming in? I would love to be part of everyone else, but I do not know how to do this, and I feel so lost and alone all the time. How can I change this? Please advise me how I can change, and what I need to do.


    • there are lots of meditation videos on youtube. I dont have twinflame too. just meditation is enough I think.


      • I think so too and not all Twin Flames have incarnated together on earth. Most times the other Twin stayed in the higher Dimensions and helps us from above as guardian angel, mentor or guide. In that case we will meet them after Ascension.


    • Isabelle, all people have a Twin Flame but the question is if your Twin incarnated too, most times the other part stays above and wait for us after ascension. I know that mine is in the higher realms and waits there for me. I believe that you do your part because you are a lightworker, otherwise you would not read these messages. Clear your mind, tell your mind to be quiet and go into your heartspace and then listen if you can find the soft calm voice in your heartspace. Look for guided meditations on youtube per example. Maybe it is only your task to shine your light and spread your love. Clear your karma with the violet flame and forgive all who has hurt you in this or past lifes and don’t forget to forgive yourself my dear. Then send all your love including yourself, this is important. You are a wondeful being and deserve your own love. Don’t judge anybody or yourself. These are the means to change and evolve for ascension. You ARE part of all of us because you are really one with all-that-is and you are loved without measure by Prime Creator and all Angels and Ascended Masters. You are NEVER alone, Creator is in your heart. You are part of him/her.


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