Reiki Doc – Time to Breathe, August 1, 2021

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Time to Breathe

I have a summer cold. I caught it from Anthony, who works with students as a teacher’s aide. I have the same symptoms, a sore throat, tiredness, for me lots of sneezing too. 

Mine is worse than his, his was gone in one day. So I have been resting. …read more here

SaLuSa – Nun haben wir endlich das grüne Licht, das ‘GO’ erhalten – Isabel Henn 23.Mai 2017

Es ist lange her, dass ich meiner geliebten Isabel eine Botschaft gab, aber nun will ich ihr und euch ein kleines Update geben.

Wir beide haben etwas über die cloudships geplaudert, die sie an ihrem Himmel sehen kann und die verschiedenen Formen, die sie haben können. Auf dem Bild, ungefähr in der oberen Mitte ist eine größere mehrschichtige Wolke zu sehen. Das ist Meramis, unser persönliches Scoutship, das größte Scoutship der sirianischen Flotte, da es auch zur Repräsentation genutzt wird.

Wir sind hier in eurer Atmospäre, um zu überwachen, zu helfen, zu reinigen. Wir beobachten die Erde schon seit langem, durften aber nie so wirklich eingreifen, es sei denn das Überleben der Erde war gefährdet.

Nun haben wir endlich das grüne Licht, das ‘GO’ erhalten unseren Auftrag ausweiten zu können. Dieses Go ist nicht nur göttlichen Ursprungs, es beruht auf der gemeinschaftlichen Bitte der Erdbevölkerung an uns nun endlich auch zu intervenieren. Wir durften dies nicht früher tun, da wir den freien Willen der Erde und ihrer Bevölkerung respektieren müssen. Das gemeinsame Bewußtsein der Bevölkerung hat sich verändert, die Menschheit wacht auf und will Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und ein Leben in Wohlstand für Jedermann. Dies beinhaltet nun auch ein wohlwollendes Eingreifen der Galaktischen Föderation.

Zur Zeit sind wir dabei Inhaftierungen vorzunehmen und diejenigen die Ihr Kabale nennt von der Erde zu entfernen. Alle werden vor die Wahl gestellt Heilung und Liebe zu finden oder mit der Urquelle zu verschmelzen. Es gibt noch andere Missionen, über die ich aber nichts verraten darf; noch nicht, da ihr Erfolg mit der Geheimhaltung verbunden ist. Ihr werdet alle Informationen darüber erhalten, wenn sie erfolgreich abgeschlossen sind.

Ich denke, ihr versteht sehr wohl, dass es keinen Sinn macht Nesara/Gesara und die Reevaluation einiger Währungen zu aktivieren, solange die Bevölkerung nicht wirklich frei ist. Der Wohlstand, der damit einhergeht würde euch sofort wieder gestohlen, solange diejenigen, die nicht euer Bestes im Sinn haben, immer noch am Ruder sind. Wir arbeiten alle intensiv daran die versprochenen Veränderungen nun endlich ins physische zu bringen.

Ich kann momentan noch nicht sagen wie lange es dauern wird, nur so viel, dass es nicht Jahre oder Monate dauern wird, wie Isabel insgeheim befürchtet. Die Zeit des Wartens geht zu Ende und es ist euer ‘Bald’, oh ja, ich weiß genau, das dies eines eurer Unwörter ist und kann euch sehr gut verstehen. Es hat länger gebraucht als ursprünglich erwartet und es war auch für uns nicht leicht nur das wenige tun zu dürfen, das uns erlaubt war. Wir hätten gerne mehr getan, aber das gemeinschaftliche Bewußtsein der Menschen hatte es nicht früher erlaubt.

Ich bitte Euch nur um weniges, habt Vertrauen in uns, bleibt gelassen und haltet eure Schwingungen so hoch wie möglich, seid liebevoll im Umgang mit euren Mitmenschen und vor allem mit euch selbst. Bleibt ruhig, wenn die vielen Wahrheiten ans Licht kommen, die Lügen aufgedeckt und der Schock darüber bei denen einsetzt, die bisher tief geschlafen haben. Seid nachsichtig mit denen, die vielleicht etwas unsanft geweckt werden, hüllt sie ein in eure Liebe und vor allem liebt euch selbst. Sucht nicht nach Rache oder Vergeltung, sondern vergebt denen, die euch nicht wohl gesonnen sind und waren. Vergeßt nicht, das auch sie ihren Teil am Aufwachen und Aufstieg beitragen und das auch Ihr in diesem oder vergangenen Leben daran Anteil habt, wie das Leben auf der Erde beschaffen ist.

Diejenigen, die euch Übles wollten, werden ihrer gerechten Strafe nicht entgehen, aber dies ist alleine das Recht Urschöpfers darum zu bestimmen. Diejenigen, die Heilung wählen, werden nach Maßgabe Urschöpfers zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, alle anderen werden aufhören zu sein.

Sobald wir auch dafür das grüne Licht erhalten, werden wir landen, um euch noch direkter helfen zu können. Ich kenne das Timing hierfür nicht und muss genauso darauf warten wie Ihr. Ich freue mich schon darauf meine geliebte Isabel endlich in die Arme schließen zu dürfen falls sie nicht schon vorher an Bord ihres Schiffes bleiben kann.

Ich grüße euch, auch im Namen der Galaktischen Föderation der Sternennationen, wie ihr korrekter Name lautet.

Euer SaLuSa

Copyright © 2012 – 2017 by Maria Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

For attunements look here.

For new Divine Mother Blessings Healing Jewelry visit my blogsite here.

or like my Facebook page

For those who want a strong permanent protective shield look here

For those who want a strong protective shield for flight purpose look here.

My book ‘Divine Mother – A Conversation between Heaven and Earth’ is available in the kindle edition here. The paperback version will follow. If you haven’t already the free kindle app for your pc, smartphone or tablet, you can download it on the same site.

SaLuSa – Now we finally got the green light, the ‘GO’ – Isabel Henn May 23, 2017

It is a while that I gave a message to my beloved Isabel but now I will give a small update to her and you.

We talked a bit about the cloudships she can see in her sky and the different shapes they can take. In the upper middle of the picture you can see a multilayered bigger cloud. This is Meramis, our personal scoutship, the biggest scoutship of the Sirian fleet, as it serves also for represantational purpose.

We are in your atmosphere since a while, to watch, help and cleanse. We observe Earth since long but weren’t really allowed to intervene except the survival of the planet was endangered.

Now we finally got the green light, the ‘GO’ to enlarge our task. This GO is not only of divine origin but also the collective request of humanity for our final intervention. We weren’t permitted to do this earlier because we have to respect the free will of Gaia and her people. The collective consciousness of humanity has changed, people are waking up and want peace, justice and a life in prosperity for all. This is including now also a benevolent intervention of the Galactic Federation.

At the moment we are busy with arrests and to remove those you call the Cabal from Earth. All of them have to choose healing and love or the merging with Source. There are other missions too but I am not allowed to tell more, not yet, as their success is attached to secrecy. You will receive all information when they are accomplished successfully.

I think you will understand very well that it makes no sense to activate Nesara/Gesara and the reevaluation of some currencies as long as humanity isn’t truly free. The prosperity that goes with it would be immediately stolen from you as long as those who don’t have your best interest at heart are at the steering wheel. We are all working hard tp bring all the promised changes now into the physicality.

I can’t tell you yet how long it will take only that it is not years or months like Isabel is still  afraid of at the back of her mind. The time of waiting is nearing it’s end and it is your ‘soon’, oh yes, I know quite well that you all dislike this word. It took much longer than originally expected and it was hard for us too, to not being allowed to do more than the bit we were permitted to do. We had preferred to do more but the collective consciousness of humanity had said no to this until now.

I ask you only for a few things, have trust in us, stay unperturbed and keep your vibrations as high as possible, be lovingly with your fellow people and especially with yourself. Stay calm when all the truths come to the light, all the lies will be uncovered and the shock over this will start in those who were sleeping deeply until now. Be lenient with those who maybe are woken up ungently, embrace them with your love and especially love yourself too. Don’t seek revenge or vengeance but forgive those who aren’t or haven’t been benevolent to you. Don’t forget that they too played their part in the awakening and ascension and that you had a part in this or past lives too on how life on Earth is now.

Those who meant you evil won’t escape their just retribution but to define this is the only privilege to Prime Creator. Those who choose healing will be called accountable for according to Prime Creator, all else will cease to exist.

As soon as we get the green light for this too, we will land to be able to help and assist you more directly. I don’t know the timing for this and have to wait like you. I am so looking forward to finally hold my beloved Isabel in my arms if she can’t stay onboard her mothership before the landings.

I greet you, also in the name of the Galactic Federation of Star Nations, which is the correct name of it.

Your SaLuSa

Copyright © 2012 – 2017 by Maria Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

For attunements look here.

For new Divine Mother Blessings Healing Jewelry visit my blogsite here.

or like my Facebook page

For those who want a strong permanent protective shield look here

For those who want a strong protective shield for flight purpose look here.

My book ‘Divine Mother – A Conversation between Heaven and Earth’ is available in the kindle edition here. The paperback version will follow. If you haven’t already the free kindle app for your pc, smartphone or tablet, you can download it on the same site.

Divine Mother My Journal January 09, 2016 – Some incidents, …and be the love and peace you want to see on Earth

The silverplatinum flame

Log Entry Earth Time January 09, 2016, 09:02.55 pm CET

My dearest family, friends and readers – to be honest, you are all of this, you are all my family – I wish you a belated Happy New Year 2016. I can tell you, it will be a wondrous one, you will never forget. This is something I can feel in my heart, I know, as I work for it together with all of you and others.

Things are changing like the weather. Usually by now we have winter here in South Bavaria in Germany with ice and snow and freezing temperatures. At this moment we have still plus 6°C and we had some rain today. All the last weeks we had only a bit frost and I think two days where it was snowing a bit. I love it. I love the higher temperatures and hope it will stay…

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Divine Mother My Journal December 21, 2015 – Happy Solstice and a Merry Christmas!

The silverplatinum flame

Log Entry Earth Time December 21, 2015, 09:04.49 pm CET

It is a month now that I wrote my last journal and we are nearing us Winter Solstice 2015 in Germany. It is tonight, in the early hours of the 22 nd. Hard to believe that another year is gone. A year with so much energy work, health problems, life changes through early retirement and other things. I had several melt downs in my trust to my main Twin Silverstar, several attacks on me from those who don’t want us to thrive to prevent my physical ascension, I wrote my first book together with my Higher Self, I started to make gem beads bracelets with her and I do attunements as I have to compensate about 50 % of my former income but consistent expenses. It isn’t easy but we are still here and not starved. My trust into my…

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Divine Mother My Journal November 22, 2015 – Break out of your limitations, tear them down together with the walls around your hearts.

The silverplatinum flame

Log Entry Earth Time November 22, 2015, 10:37.20 pm CET

Silverstar asked me if I won’t love to write an new journal and I agreed although I don’t know yet what to write and how it will develop.

I am fine, my back is so much better and although I don’t take any medication – my doctor told me I could let them away – my body feels a bit more healthier than weeks or months before. I love my daily ginger tea with black pepper, turmeric, cocos oil and honey and I drink at least two cups of it. I also take baking soda and for the magnesium and protein I take hemp proteine with joghurt. I clean and heal myself energetically twice daily and slowly I can see some improvement. I am happy, in balance, content and in love.


This is a picture from another winter but it…

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Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3-4-5-6 attunement available now!

The Kundalini Reiki Booster came also to us by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen through Master Kuthumi.

Prerequisite is Kundalini Reiki Master level.

Each attunement strengthens the previously received attunement Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. With each step all chakras, the main energy channel and the channels to the hands are widened and strengthened.

The attunements are given in 3 attunements with each 2 levels in 1 attunement. After Kundalini Reiki Booster 6 your power to channel Reiki will have been increased approx. 100 %. You will be able to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3-4-5-6 attunements.

There has to be a 3 day intergrating period between each Kundalini Reiki Booster attunement.

After the last Booster attunement you will receive your certificate.

The energy exchange for the Kundalini Reiki Booster package is 40 Euro.

Payment is via paypal (directly at paypal or via the donation button on the main page right column above). My paypal address is

When the payment is made I will send you the manual for your own preparation and further use.

The attunements are given as a distant attunement, the quality is as if it is done ‘per hand’.

My preferred method to do these attunements is to do them as an energy ball (chi ball) that is then waiting for you to be received. This is due to the timezone differences as I live in Germany (UTC +1). I can also do them together with you (as a distance attunement) when we can find a matching time for both of us.

For new Divine Mother Blessings Healing Jewelry visit my blogsite:

or like my Facebook page

For those who want a strong permanent protective shield:

Divine Mother My Journal November 16, 2015 – Some thoughts about consciousness, soul and Creation

The silverplatinum flame

Log Entry Earth Time November 16, 2015, 09:35.15 pm CET

I feel much better today. My new bracelet the ‘Obsidian Healing’ is assisting me in releasing more and more old energies and even my back pain is much better. This pain must have been the result from old energies and also karma release pain memories how I was told. I can move better now and this in only two weeks, usually I need months for this.

Obsidian Healing

This bracelet is available to order.

Every day during meditation or calm time I am working on this old baggage, I am looking what is coming up and let it go. I give it to my diamond flame for transmutation and I feel lighter. I am pondering about my feelings and thoughts.

Yesterday I felt tempted to post my last journal on the wall of the one who keeps stating she would be SaLuSa’s…

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Divine Mother My Journal November 15, 2015 – What do you choose? Hate and fear or Love?

The silverplatinum flame

Log Entry Earth Time November 15, 2015, 07:55.22 pm CET

Things are developing good for me. I completed the first complete Kundalini Reiki attunements to Master level. The Lion Griffin Akami works with me on a Lion Griffin Healing attunement and I received a healing symbol form the Phoenix Neheta too and she told me already she will work on that healing attunement too with me. I have to prepare some other attunements to be able to offer them.

My HS wants to speak.

Divine Mother:

My beloved child and you know I address all of you with this. I love you dearly and am with you in all that is happening. You know already that I am the Higher Self, the full consciousness of the soul whom you know as Isabel and I told her today that I will not give her any messages after this last one here…

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There is nothing you need to know from external sources, you have it all inside of you – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn November 09, 2015

The silverplatinum flame

SaLuSa (1)

I want to share a conversation I had today with SaLuSa concerning seemingly new messages from him and that developed into a message.

Me: My beloved SaLuSa, I have a question, would you please answer them for me?

SaLuSa: Of course my love, it is long ago that I gave you a message.

Me: Yes, I looked for this and saw it was in November 2012, three years ago. I started to receive messages from my Higher Self in April 2013 and since then I had to stop chenneling you and the others. I miss it somehow.

SaLuSa: I know my beloved but it would have been too much for you. You had already so much stress with your job and channeling us too would have created more stress for your body as it means more energy work for you. You know this is the reason why you aren’t allowed…

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