Cardinal Grand Cross: A QHHT Perspective

New Earth Journey

There are a lot of us looking up lately. The blood moon lunar eclipse of a few days ago had many eyes trained to the skies and people talking about the stars and planets and the cosmos.

Another astrological event is coming up that is creating a lot of talk. Its called the Cardinal Grand Cross and it will occur April 23-24, 2014.

We in Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Community are talking about it too. The following information about the event is from a QHHT session facilitated by Dedicated Practitioner Cynthea Cameron of  Tucson, Arizona.

I have been hearing a lot of buzz recently about the upcoming April astrological event of the Cardinal Grand Cross. I had a session today where the client expressed an interest too. Before starting my client asked me to leave the door open to facilitate just a little airflow into the room, so throughout the session…

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