It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can not escape that – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn ~ April 17, 2013


My beloved Humans, my children, it is I, your Mother. I am the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine and the Creator of all that is. I have not only created your universe but countless uni- and omniverses. Nothing is above me, but all is in ME. You are I and you are all divine aspects of my SELF.

Today I want to speak to you through this scribe who has willingly been at my disposal.

My heart is heavy and I suffer with you. What happened a few days ago has been an act of barbarism, an act of abuse of power the dark mights have exercised to stir up fear in you. The “Mighty of the World” know exactly that they have given away their power to you and try with all that remain to them to get it back.

I appeal to you my exceedingly beloved Beings, my children and grandchildren, stay strong and in your love, that is the strongest power in the entire creation. Don’t fall for this maneuver and stay calm and unperturbed in your higher vibrations. You mourn and are horrified – because you are a part of my body, my Being, I mourn with you – but stay calm with it and in your center. Be the Master of your emotions and vibrations. You don’t help anybody when you let yourself be thrown out of your balance by this deed. It would only be harder for you to regain your balance. Stay in your love, because love is what you are made of.

I am among yourselves because I am incarnated on this wonderful planet. Only a few know this and it will not be revealed yet under which name I live. Soon I will become One with her again, then I can take my seat back in AEON that I have left to be able to live and work incarnated among you.

It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can’t escape that. The only question is when it will be for every single one of you. This lies but only substantiated in you alone. It is alone your decision. My beloved Angels, Archangels, Masters and your galactic families work without respite to make your decision to come true. They help you, but they can’t do the work for you. Only you alone can work on raising your vibrations and holding them. That you are not without help, there are uncounted Angels, Masters and stellan highdimensional Beings at your side.

My beloved aspects, don’t forget who you are!

You are divine wonderful souls, created and born out of my Self. Born out of my body. As you are born from your terrestrial mother, I have carried to full term and born the Prime Souls, out of which all of you and all other beings in Creation are made from, with the exception of my Archangels and Angels. You are my children and my grandchildren, not only spoken of figurative but in the purest sense of the word.

Do you believe that you could move mountains? I know that you can do it. And I know also that you all, one after the other will ascend. Not all in this life but most of you. Be and live the unconditional love you are made of. Believe in the “Divine” in yourselves, trust us and in who and what you are. Stay unperturbed by outer events on your way back to me and your Divine Father. Nobody and nothing can then keep you away from creating a new wonderful world on this jewel of the universe. You have my full support, because it is my most intimate wish to get much nearer to you. To see you where you belong to rightfully, namely in the higher dimensions out of the illusion. I see you already there, it is happening just in the NOW.

My beloved beautiful children, I love you! I love you so much, that I have yielded myself into this divinely conceived plan just to be safe that it will come true. Believe me it looks good already. So please stay in your balance and your higher vibrations and concentrate fully on spreading your love and shining your light so wonderful that all shadows and darkness will be dissolved. Where there is light there can last no darkness and even the shadows will become lesser until they too will be gone completely.

I spread my neverending and limitless love on and around you like a coat. Soon it will be clearer for you how all is unfolding. Oh yes, I can hear you moan about this word, unloved from you but I can and want not to give you a date. The expectations I would arouse in you with that would only entail much more delays. Nobody wants that, least of all I myself, because I long for my home, like a lot of starseeds and wanderers from other planets or stars partly far out of this universe. Stay strong, together we will master it. It is already in the air like spring, there, where my beloved incarnation lives. The snow in the mountains where she lives peripheral begins to melt and such the resistance of the dark side and the darkness itself will melt too. Winter has been long for her but now it is warm there too. Spring will not only sprout hopes but also so much more.

Let yourselves be surprised and taken into my arms. Until soon at home.


Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

3 thoughts on “It is my Divine Will that you will all ascend with Gaia and you can not escape that – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn ~ April 17, 2013

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