Archangel Indriel. “In Gratitude And Grace.” By, Bella Capozzi. April 19, 2013.


Beautiful-Fairy-love-angels-27525265-500-313❀ There has never been a finer time to step back and take stock of your many blessings. During these days of cleansing and upheaval, it is imperative that you be always conscious of the good in your life and to remain in a holy state of perpetual gratitude.  Give thanks for everything.  Shift your attention away from the negativity and instead place your awareness on the variety of ways in which you are abundantly blessed.  Thank the Creator over and over again.  Morning, afternoon and evening, you must count your blessings and give thanks.  Do this nobly, all the while maintaining an air of gratitude and grace.  Think, before retiring, of what blessings the day has brought you.  Reflect on all that has gone right in your day, rather than what has gone wrong.  Then record it, if you like, to be looked back upon and savored during erratic times.

❀ When you are constantly bombarded by your media with imagery of pain, suffering, lack and deceit, to remain in such a pure state is rarely an easy thing.  It takes your constant focus and vigilance.  We acknowledge this to be true.  Yet you must try.  The rewards far outweigh the effort you expend.  I ask you not to ignore the ones who are suffering, but to instead extend to them prayers and compassion.  Prayers for fairness and restoration, sent in love, and from your heart.  The planetary shift in vibration is all about the heart.  And when your ire should rise and you bemoan the horror and injustice of it all, never for a moment forget that the perpetrators shall indeed be answerable to the Father and Mother.  All shall be brought to justice, but I speak of justice in it’s Divine form.

❀ Despite how things may look on the outside, know that there is a Grand Plan and all the pieces of the puzzle are falling neatly into place.  As I’ve said so many times before, you must tear down the old before you can build the new.  The land must be cleared.  The rubble plowed away.  You cannot construct a palace of gold upon a pile of rubbish.  The Earth is ailing, and she must be made healthy before the full influx of fifth-dimensional frequencies can be allowed to descend upon her. You can assist her, you know, and it is ever so simple to do.  You do this by operating from from the core-essence of your heart, and by following the example of the other great Masters who have walked these roads before you. The key is in not just performing graciously, but in being grace; not in merely going through the motions of being sweet and generous, but in being generosity and sweetness.  Emanate the Creator’s goodness in everything that you do, and recognize your Brothers and Sisters not as separate entities but as a part of yourself.  Then treat them as such.  Go forward in Unity, Dearests, as it is you who shall change the world!

Copyright©Bella Capozzi.  all rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. “Lost In Transition.” By, Bella Capozzi. March 23, 2013.


285206_515253995184610_483730021_n~ Grieve not for that which is passing away before your very eyes, for as it does so it makes way for all that is new and glorious.  Even though much of what is fading away right now was not necessarily of the highest light, still many of you mourn it’s passing.  And this is quite alright, indeed, it is natural.  You have lived so long amongst these societal norms, these thoughts and ideals, these ways of being and conducting yourselves.  Because you have lived your Earthly lives behind an opaque veil of forgetfulness and mystery, these things are all you think you’ve ever known.  Consciously known.  So as they pass away, you feel a bit disoriented and confused.  In your heart of hearts you know that it is for the best, that they disperse.  You know they cannot survive in this bright new world,  nor would you wish them to. For it is a world which is every day becoming more and more vibrant and alive.  And for this you are excited and awash in a state of anticipatory bliss.  “So why, sometimes, do I feel so forlorn”, you wonder to yourselves and to your family of the Upper Realms.  Dear Ones, we hear you.  And thusly, I respond…

~ I am Indriel. Guardian of the Lightbearers, the Wayshowers, the Earth Tenders and the like.  Search deep within the very core of your being and reach high, high above.  There you shall easily find me.  My vibration is sweet and feminine in nature. Topaz-gold and green.  Take my hand in yours and I shall lead you to an understanding and a sense of clarity.  It is my dearest desire to assist you in the successful completion your assignments in this Earthly life; and most especially at this very juncture, when for most of you your missions are switching around and beginning anew.  Allow me to alleviate some of your confusion on this subject.

~ Do not ever feel that it is wrong to be confused by what you see – or do not see – happening in the world around you.  Unless you have finely honed your telepathic abilities to the point where you are able not to be slightly rattled by the unknown, the temptation to want to cling to what youdo know is to be expected.  Simply being here on Earth is an endless litany of unknowns for you – you who are a pure, gracious, gentle being of love.  Why, you are beyond brave to have even come here at all!  And oh, how very much we admire you for it.  However, as such a gentle being you naturally seek comfort and a sense of belonging.  Familiarity breeds peace and contentment, two integral qualities of your Divine nature.  So allow yourselves that momentary twinge of unease, but as you do so, give your fears a thorough examination.  What is it you fear, Child?  That as the old things go, you shall then be left with nothing?  Or do you fear that what takes the place of what you know shall be not nearly as good as what you had before?  Do you fear that the tasks before you are too great, and that you shall not be able to live up to your new mission? Do fear that you shall disappoint yourself and God?

~ Beloveds, don’t you know?  You cannot disappoint God!  You are as one with your Creator, and you are loved unconditionally and without judgement or expectation.  Trust in the Universe to bring forth unto your world only that which is of the highest light and for your greatest good.  You are in the throes of the most positive changes imaginable.  You feel lost in transition, but there are no wrong turns to take.  For around every corner awaits something more magnificent than what you beheld scant moments before.  Allow yourselves that brief second of doubt and then cast it off forever, into the winds of change.  Then let your creativity take flight. Be confident in yourself.  You are each a Master in your own right, with talents and abilities uniquely your own.  You are capable of manifesting that perfect world you desire.  These are such golden times, so I ask that you be brave and embrace the new and the as yet unknown.  Do so and be blessed.

Copyright©Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. “Go Out And Spread Your Light.” By, Bella Capozzi. November 23, 2012.


♡ A blessed good day to you, Sweet Angels, and I pray that you are finding peace and a sense of optimism during this period of heightened vibration.  I feel such exultation in this now-moment, can you not tell?  Are you able to feel the love I send your way?  I am in truth suffusing you with a shower of glimmering topaz light, like a wash of crushed crystal.  My message is brief today, and it is most simple.  Moreover, it is a call to action, my Lightworkers – and this message is that you must go out and spread your Light.  What I ask of you is to step outside your place of comfort and to move amongst the masses of Humanity, most especially today.  Indeed, today.  This is a day in which many of the lesser and more base of the 3rd dimensional Human inclinations rise up to the forefront in so many of the sleeping souls.  It is a day in which the old guard, rendered more and more powerless by your efforts, reaches out in order to latch onto the less awakened of Human hearts.  I speak of the ones who are in the infancy of their enlightenment.  These lovely souls, as of yet unaware that there is indeed a far better, far more gentle way of being.

♡ It is on this day that the energy runs high.  It is a day when the dark extends it’s weak and dying hand up from the smoldering ashes of what was once their thriving empire.  They reach up in hopes of grabbing hold of a soul or two, possibly a fencesitter or one who is feeling lost and empty and insecure.  Through the lure of the quick-fix, a costly brand new “thing” and with the lure of “owning” the “latest-and-greatest”; these young souls are operating under the illusion that these objects can fill that empty space within their heart –  which in truth can only be filled by love of The Creator.  They position themselves to be “first”, to “win”, often at the expense of theirs and their family’s comfort and safety.  They have been meticulously programmed.  They are sound asleep.  Judge them not, for they know no better.  Therefore, you are desperately needed, my friends.  Not to engage, nor to preach, not to argue and most certainly never to judge.  Just love them.  Just be in their presence as a beacon of Light.

♡ Join with friends or go alone.  Go outside.  Move as a Holy shepherd amongst your flock.  For you are the Lightworkers, and on this day of frenzied and rampant consumerism you are being asked to work the Light.  To rise to the task and dispense of your transformative and healing frequencies.  And by all means, make it a pleasant experience.  Stroll about.  Partake of the sights and sounds and festivities in what is in actuality a season of joy and coming together.  Enjoy a delicious repast.  Bestow God’s blessings upon those who are forlorn and appear to have lost their way.  And on that thought, I shall conclude, if only for now.

I am your sister, Indriel;  guardian and friend of the Lightworker.   I am your greatest cheerleader.  Ever by your side, you may call upon me, always, when you desire a friendly shoulder to lean on or a bit of unbiased advice.  I love each of you beyond measure.  Namaste.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. “Peace, Love And The 11-11.” By Bella Capozzi. November 7, 2012.


❤ Dear Souls, it is I, Indriel.  I am your dear friend and protector, and I am most honored to have had the pleasure of guiding you thus far, along your road to Ascension.  I love each and every one of you unabashedly and beyond measure.  Together with the whole of the Angelic Realms, I am filled to overflowing with joy at your unparalleled successes and we are quite beside ourselves;  enthralled, victorious, as another threshold has been crossed.  Indeed, with the re-election of one of your own – a fellow Light Warrior – to the office of President of the United States, you have made a statement and set a precedent.  You have joined as one to show the world that the Light cannot be extinguished.  It cannot be dimmed.  It only grows brighter and spreads farther.  So, take this as a sign that the American people are waking up and humanity cannot be fooled any longer.  Regardless of where you reside on the planet, this is a significant event for you.  It is the tangible proof which you have been asking for, proof that progress is being made.

❤ So now, it is on to the next phase.  The 11-11 is just around the corner and for those who are only now coming into awareness, it shall herald the onset of a most miraculous and mind-boggling series of awakenings.   Dear Warriors, it is now that the truly exciting work begins!  For you it shall be a lightening, a well deserved relief, both energetically and physically.  Expect to gain a finer clarity of vision and a series of energetic upgrades which shall come in gradually, as the portals open up.  Youthful vitality, a lessening of the old, nagging Ascension symptoms, a vibrant luminosity to the skin and brightness to the eyes.  As your physical bodies ascent slowly begins to catch up with the steady increase in your vibration, you may expect to feel and see these as obvious changes as the year of 2013 progresses.

❤ You may also expect to experience tremendous changes in the areas of personal lifestyle, career and life-purpose.  Know this, Beloveds, that you did not incarnate here to pass your days doing inane tasks and to be bound, slavelike, to such baser states of struggle and competition.  The incoming energies and the portal openings of 11-11 mark a kind of beginning and ending all in one.  The 3rd dimensional paradigm is clearly at it’s end.  Much of it’s remnants are exiting through the portals, and thereby leaving space for something far grander to take it’s place.  You who have been working at clearing and processing away the toxic programs of the past – both within your own vessels and planetwide – have laid the foundation for the 5th dimensional New Earth paradigm to lock on and begin to manifest itself, unhindered, as a perceivable reality.  Plan to experience a progressive freeing-up of your resources and the pressures you have been facing in your daily struggle for survival.  Thus, you shall be free at last to listen to your heart, follow  your dreams and be truly fulfilled as you do your true life’s work.  You cannot comprehend this, can you, how this shall feel?  No, we think not.  We think, in fact, that it shall be a most startling surprise!

❤ As I said before, the old world is collapsing in onto itself, and therefore it is necessary for you to find a new place for your energy to take root.  This new point of connection would be Gaia’s magnificent Crystalline Grid.  Latch onto it, feed from it, nourish it in return and grow together with it as one new construct.  Partner up with Gaia, Beloveds, and be as one in Divine synchronicity.  She wishes to assist you in your transformation, in the same manner in which you have been assisting in her in hers.   The 11-11 is time of detachment and reattachment.  Some say it an unlocking.  Do not let this pivotal opportunity pass.  You must plan to take it very seriously.  Amend your schedule and set aside time to participate in the one of the many global meditations taking place.  In fact, participate in more than one.  Mark this day as a high Holiday, and make your spiritual evolvement priority number one.   Involve your friends and loved ones.  Spread the word to any who shall listen, as this is a day of Unity.  Gaia is ready to take her next step, and she wishes for all her blessed children to go with her.

❤ You have crossed over the threshold, out of 3rd density, and are well on your way to the 5th and ever higher.  The only job you have left to do is to love.  Love everything and everyone;  every person, animal, place and thing.  Absolutely nothing else matters now.  There is truly nothing at all which is more important.  For it is love which shall propel you the rest of the way.  Only love can melt the hearts of those who don’t believe.  You are tasked to make this the primary thing to focus on from here on in, perhaps the only thing.  Love is all we are and all we aspire to ever be, and it is from this platform of unconditional love that all is created.

From the Heart of the Universe, I am Indriel.  I come in devotion and peace.  And I love you.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. ~ Your Faithful Service To The Light. ~ By, Bella Capozzi. October 19, 2012

~ Greetings Beloveds, it is I, Indriel.   I arrive on this day in my role as keeper and tender of you, the Lighbearers.  In your Earthly guise you wear many hats-teacher, parent, doctor, homemaker, artist…  The list goes on and on, and is far too long for me to personally credit each and every one of the professions and personas you maintain in your faithful service to the Light.   Yet, commend you I sincerely do.  All of Heaven heartily sings your praises, as the work you have done thus far is quite  amazing.  Do you not sometimes feel the occasional need for a pat on the back, Dear Friends?  Well, I am here to give it to you.  Oftentimes this feels to be a thankless job, and an endless, arduous one.  Much of the time you feel as though you are a salmon swimming upstream, am I right?  But take heart that while it is an uphill climb, an upward spiral, you are most unlike that salmon in the most obvious of ways.  When you reach your destination, you shall not die.  Instead, you shall find yourselves reborn.

~ Keep your eyes on the prize, as you say, and be intent to never let your focus waver.  In everything you do and everything you say, be advised to do it only in a state of Holy Grace and with the noblest and kindest of motivations.  Even when faced with what appear to you to be thoroughly insurmountable odds, let each of your decisions, words and courses of action originate from the center of your heart.  Be cautious in these times, of the clever machinations the lower ego-mind may present, for it is fighting hard for it’s very survival and in so doing seeks nothing else other than to divert you from your higher path.  Much of the advice and direction it dispenses might seem quite logical to you, quite well-intended.   But I tell you to ask your heart if this advice is coming from a place of service to self only, or shall it also serve to benefit The Whole?  Seek counsel from the legions of supporters around you.  Although for the most part they are unseen, you are by far not alone.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.

~ The Veil of Forgetfulness and the stranglehold of the 3rd dimensional world are dropping away from you now, more falling off with every passing millisecond of your time.  Soon “time” shall be but a thing written up in the history books, to be looked upon by civilizations to come as a quaint and archaic concept.  It shall be taught that linear time served a very real and necessary function in the Great Earth Experiment, but you shall all look upon it in a state of bewonderment as to how you could ever have believed any of it’s illusion to be real at all.  We shall laugh and cry about it all, together as one family.  We shall know that each of us, both above and below, played our part in the game to perfection.  And it is in this perfection that The Creator was able to experience it all.  The Creator – ever empathetic, ever thoughtful and adoring -thanks you for your gifts.  Be still for a moment and allow, allow, allow.  Allow the exquisite vibrations of grace and the abundance to wash over you, and feel yourselves cleansed and showered in the Holy Light.

~ No matter how overwhelmed you are, be of the knowledge that the toughest part is almost over.  You are bold and fearless, and have the power within you to see this project to completion.  I speak to you today because I have seen and felt some of your doubts and fears, and I wish to allay them, if I am able.   If you are walking the Earth this day in Human form, then let it be clear that you are one of the brightest stars that shine in all the Universe.  You are the fiercest warriors, the brassiest, the bravest of the brave.  But you are also the most gentle and tenderhearted, the most compassionate; so wise and so devoid of mal-intent.  It is this intricate melange of characteristics that rendered you fitting for the work you asked to undertake.  Please do trust that the end of the road  ahead of you, and you have just now turned that final corner to find yourself on the home stretch.  Stay faithful, Beloveds.  Until next time, I request that you to stay strong and true.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. ~ Remain Centered In Your Heart. ~ By, Bella Capozzi. October 3, 2012

Dearest Children of the Light, I am Indriel, beloved compatriot and guiding presence.  You are so loved,  and it is of this I choose to remind you.  I seek this fine day to commend you on the work you have done thus far.  I know you have not had an easy go of it, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Yet here you are still.  You continue, onward and upwards.  There have been innumerable stumbling-blocks along the way, yet never have you once allowed yourself to be dissuaded.  You sometimes falter and there are times you question both yourself and your mission.  Of course you do!  It is quite natural, and it is just as natural for you to quickly recover yourselves and soldier on.  No matter how rough the journey has been and regardless of the depth of challenge that awaits you in the days to come-know that it is not in you to quit.  You are the forerunners of a brand new society, a brand new race in a sparkling new land.   You are leading the way for the occupants of that new society to evolve and find their way home.  Most amazingly, you operate without open access to your true abilities and tools, and are blazing that trail without the benefit of maps or clearcut directions.  Do you understand now how perfectly magnificent you are?

The progress you have made so far exceeds all of our hopes and expectations.  We, your Angelic Teams, wish for you to know how truly honored and deeply touched we are by your patience and willingness to seek out and accept our loving guidance.  Our hearts are warmed by your readiness to accept us into your lives.  Someday soon you shall remember the close relationship we share.  Thus, it is crucial, now more than ever, that you cultivate a loving, trusting and open heart.  The heart is the operating system through which all things function in the higher realms.  You have not much time left in 3rd density, and that is the only paradigm whose occupants follow the dictates of linear, ego-based thinking.  The heart is not only just a storehouse of emotion.  It is capable of not only feeling love, but of discernment, wise choice, the taking in of knowledge, and of unobstructed communication and thought.  When you are centered in your heart and conduct yourself from this point, much like a type of inner home-base, you can relax and trust implicitly that the actions you are taking are the right ones.  When you are living in your heartspace and operating therefrom, you shall find yourself devoid of anxiety, judgement, pain, dramatics and conflicting negative emotion.

It is time to take the next essential step, Dear Lightbearers, the next mandatory step.  I am asking you to cease your micromanagement and overly analytical thinking about what is coming and when.  Surrender all outcomes and what is to come beforehand, and give yourself and all of your expectations over to God.  I tell you, please do take personal responsibility for your own role in the ascension process, but you must stop worrying over the details.  I see that many of you suffer great trepidation regarding  what you do not yet know, and your fears are mounting over what you are seeing and reading about throughout your media.  There is much interference and disinformation running rampant at this time, and the perpetrators of these untruths are counting on just such lower, base reactions.  I caution you, do not feed the beast.  Do not expend your precious energy on such things;  you must pull back when you sense yourself slipping downward and plant your awareness back firmly in your heart.  When you are living from your heart, your decisions, reactions and emotions shall be reflective of your newly emerging 5th dimensional operating system.

Blessed are you God’s children.  Know with a certainty that you may call upon your Angels and Guides at anytime.  We shall soothe your weary soul and help you maintain a heart-centered way of being.  You are blessed.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  all rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. “Strands Of Light Across A Bleak Landscape.” By, Bella Capozzi. September 11, 2012.


~ Greetings to all, I am Indriel.  To the Lightbearers and the Wayshowers, I come to you this day with words of love and encouragement.  To the Dear, Sweet Souls just now in the initial stages of their awakening, I tell you to have faith and persevere.  The road before you  may seem at first to be strange and unfamiliar,  yet I assure you that to follow it shall take you Home.  Far away from the uncertainty and struggle you face now in the 3rd dimensional world of duality, you shall discover peace.

~ With my words today, I convey to each of you a gift from your Divine and Holy Mother;  her glorious essence.  Experience it now as it envelops you as though it were a warm coverlet.  Feel her goodness permeating every cell, every atom, every fiber of your being.  Know this sensation as her unconditional love for you.  There is naught which you could do or say to ever cause your Mother to forsake you, as hers is the most sacred heart of forgiveness, acceptance and joy.  Take this gift from her, graciously, and lock it up-snug and secure, within the treasure box which is your heart.

~ Before you now lies the time of the joining.  Surely you cannot help but see that what is long decayed and obsolete is rapidly falling by the wayside.  This is in order to make way for what is new.  It is all right before your eyes, should you but choose to see it.  And yes, it is indeed a choice.  So now you must decide if you shall heed the persistent call of the Ascension.  It does not let you rest easy, does it, for that voice you hear does not take rejection well.  No, Dear Children, the call to service is relentless because the time for action is now.  Gaia sits perched at the very onset of her final ascent-up, up, up and out of the density and darkness.  And when she fully ascends there shall be no more heartbreak in your world, no more war, no more senseless suffering for God’s gentle children.  All creatures shall be free to exist in harmony.

~ If you are one who is drawn to listen to my words, then you are being called.  You are the leaders and trailblazers, and you are tasked with ushering in The Light.  In short time, you shall be faced with situations which shall test your resolve.  You may be shocked by what transpires, as what you thought were truths are exposed as blatant lies, and this shall sorely test your commitment and your ability to trust.  I advise you to never lose sight of the fact that these are all necessary steps which must be taken in order for the New Age of enlightenment and unity be securely anchored upon the planet.  Gaia requires a clean slate upon which to rebuild.

~ So come together, as one army under God. United in your common goal.  Synchronized.  Connected to one another like strands of lights strung across a bleak landscape.  Go about your daily lives and know that your purity affects each soul who’s path you cross.  You are brave and mighty warriors, engaged in a seemingly endless battle for truth and for change .  However, even the strongest of the strong are in need of love and reassurance, and for this you must seek out your Mother.  At these times, allow her to enfold you in her soft embrace, then you shall be healed.  Be blessed, Dear Souls, in all you do.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. “Nothing Short Of Amazing.” By, Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le). August 20, 2012

~ Greetings Dear Ones, I am Indriel.  Though I may at present seem unfamiliar to you and quite far away, I am not.  Of this I most emphatically assure you.  You are loved unconditionally. You are protected, guided, and ever being shown the way.   We, your Guiding Force, are never judgemental, and are tireless in our support of any and all of your endeavors.  Be they riddled with pitfalls or rooted in high consciousness, we are here to support you, regardless.  Always.  We are instructing you now, with increasing frequency, to break free of the rigid conditioning which taught you reliance only on your 5 bodily senses.  Just as your chakric system has activated and expanded well past the original 7, so it is true of your sensory body.  The time is upon you to discard the old teachings once and for all.  You are amongst the first to have discovered the realization of who you truly are, as is only fitting, for you are the Wayshowers and have come here to lead.  Redefine what you think of as “real.”  Strike form your vocabulary words such as “crazy”, eccentric”,  or “unrealistic.”  For if it is unrealistic to seek and enjoy communion with the higher realms-at least in accordance with the old ways of thinking-then let it be so.  Although you know in your heart that only those things you find within your heart are what’s “real”; only guidance from on-high may be unconditionally trusted and relied upon.

~ Watch as the harsh illusions of the 3rd dimensional world drop away.  You have selected your timeline wisely, should you be experiencing a lightness and a detachment from anxiety, hatred and beliefs of worthlessness and limitation.  Feelings of peacefulness, joy and synchronistic events-these are the clues which tell you that you are on the right track.  A wide variety of choices have been made available to everyone incarnate at this time, as not all desire or have contracted to have the same experiences.  These varying scenarios manifest as invisible timelines, roads leading out of your current paradigm.  Compare them to the branches of a tree.  They grow off in all directions, and can be straight or twisting, smooth or gnarled.  Occasionally, they may briefly intersect.  Some are longer than others and some appear quite dead; they are parched and barren.  Whilst others are lush and green, and ripe with flower and fruit.  It is your choice.  It always has been yours, and only yours, to decide.

~ Travelers on the Paradise Roads are being strongly advised to cultivate the virtue of patience.  You are exhausted from your journey, which for so many of you has spanned lifetimes numbering in the thousands.  We understand this, and feel great compassion.  You who are reading these missives have more likely than not been an original part of the Great Earth Experiment, in some capacity or another,  from it’s very beginning.  You may well have been one of the designers of it!  You’ve fought valiantly and hard, and now you are at the conclusion of your journey.  Just a little ways more, Brave Ones, we promise you.  Trust what your heart is telling you, which is that the end is openly in sight.  What awaits you at the end of your chosen road is reality, exactly as you designed it, and it is nothing short of amazing.

~ I caution you not to disregard the pretty pictures which present themselves to you whilst immersed in meditation.  Or in what you think of as the dream state.  It is not.  Not any longer.  Not for you.  What you are seeing are brief glimpses of your creations come to life.  So, if what you see does not suit you, then refine it some.  You are also working with us, healing, learning, familiarizing yourself with that which you forgot.  Is what you see too beautiful, is what you feel too magical to be real?  Then yes, by all means-should “real” be defined by your 3rd dimensional paradigm, than indeed it is not real in that way at all!  All that is fanciful and unreal by definition in the existing world of duality is most assuredly awaiting you once you leave it.  You have a quaint and humorous expression in your language, which refers to something deemed impossible…you say, “When pigs fly.”  Well, I ask you then, why should they not?  Should not fish dance and dogs sing like songbirds, if they so choose?  Alas, time is short and you have much more to do, Lightworkers, for the masses still think the answer to those question would be a resounding no.  They are in for something of a shock, the Dear Souls.

~ So in closing, I assign you a daily silent meditation.  One in which you nobody guides you save yourself.  No music.  No talk.  In a darkened room you must do this, so you are able to practice expanding your inner sight to extend to your outer world.  Increasingly,  you shall be able to perceive sparkles of light, and eventually small orbs.  Though it is not necessary, as I stated earlier, to use your physical sight-many of you still need that extra validation, that small vote of confidence from us that tells you, “Yes.  We are here.”  Go deep within your Self  and have faith in what you find there.  Embrace your magnificent new reality and slowly begin to live it.  Such is the way of manifestation.  And with that I shall conclude. 

I Am Indriel.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

❤ Archangel Indriel. “Friendship Is Forever.” By, AuroRa Le. July 24, 2012

Greetings, Beloveds.  I am Indriel.  Guardian of Lightbearers and keeper of The Mother’s flame of community, solidarity and friendship.  I am here today in the spirit of oneness with you, as we all share in the same mission.  We are charged with safeguarding the precious energy grids of Gaia, and insuring that the consciousness level of the Collective Whole rises to such a level as to insure her swift passage-and yours-into an elevated state of 5th dimensionality.  Yes, I come as your friend.  A great friend.  A devoted friend, for we are compatriots of old, and there is not a single one of you perusing this transmission who does not know me well.  And yes, you know each other.  You love each other dearly and truly, and it saddens me to see so many of my mighty torchbearers rooted in complacency, still deeply sleeping, whilst others are at odds over differing points of view. ❤

From my heart,  I tell you that it’s time to come together.  Scant months remain, leading up to a most pivotal time-not only for Gaia and for humanity, but for all of us.  The impact you are making here does not end with Earth’s ascension.  The ripples shall be felt far and wide, as massive waves of sheer power, an energetic force the likes of which have never been experienced ever before.   All civilizations throughout God’s Holy Universe are  preparing, just as you are, for this miraculous event.   And it is YOU who occupy the front lines.  It is YOU, as one unified and unstoppable force, who are charging the barricades and tearing them down with your own bare hands.  Hands worn and scarred, but yet alight and aglow with the crystalline energy of Love.  A divided army cannot conquer.  Thus, I challenge you to willingly set aside your petty squabbles and critiques.  It makes little to no difference whether you agree or disagree about how the job must be done, and from whom a loving message is originating or it’s content therein.  All is factual if it is borne out of love.  The content of every transmission received, when of The Light and is positive in it’s nature, will resonate with some and not so much with others.  One cannot be wrong, whilst the other is right.  Should you not agree, I beseech you to please temper your words, for words can wound and wound deep.  Lovely Angels, you are of such benign and tender hearts. ❤

You must reject judgement, confrontation, cruelty and vengeance-reject them with every fiber of your being.  Then in their stead pour sweetness and acceptance.  Forgive yourselves your mild transgressions, examine what they taught you and then send them off with love to Source.  Pointed barbs and senseless gossip shall get you nowhere, and only serve to undermine the wonderful work you have done thus far.  Know that you came to Earth together, with the same noble goal in mind.  To not encourage and support each other at every turn is simply unthinkable.  So toss away the lessons you have learned by living in a dualistic society, and be the walking embodiment and the purest example for all of what the ascension is all about.  My sleeping soldiers shall be inspired by you and then they shall remember.  Watch as they emulate your every move.  They shall wish to be like you-to do as you do and to speak as you speak. ❤

Come together in a spirit of mutual respect and friendship, Beloveds.  You are each an equally essential element of the Unified Field.  Be aware that you have yet to reach your full state of awareness, and you are as yet unable to be sure who it is that lies within each human disguise.  The noisy neighbor with whom you spar may well be your dearest friend or brother, unbeknownst to you; simple they are acting out a role which you together chose he or she should play!  I ask of you only that you come together in a happy bubble of friendship, peace and mutual respect for one another’s work.  No preconceived bias, no racial or religious differences, no false idols of separation shall survive the full  impact of Disclosure.  When the illusions of duality are long gone, you shall see that all God’s children shall come forward at long last and join hands.  Prepare to hold tight and never to let go.  True friendship spans all space and time.  Do not forget.  Friendship is forever. ❤

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Archangel Indriel. “Do Not Strive To Be Perfect-You Already Are.” By, AuroRa Le. July 10, 2012

You are beautiful. ❤

You are as colorful as a rainbow and as sparkling as the stars.  Your heart is as pure and unsullied and innocent as a baby, freshly born.  Encircling the myriad colors of your aura is a ring of white-so white as to be blinding; like the proverbial Angelwing,  it is as downy fresh and airy as the driven snow.  To all who cast their eyes down upon the Earth, your bright light is seen as a doorway, leading them straight home to the heart of God.  You are this doorway.  To those that seek redemption and solace, you are the portal home. And as you, in earnest, seek this place of wholeness, never for an instant question that you indeed are already there. 

There is not a one of you in all the Cosmos who is not completely and entirely without flaw.  Regardless of what facade you present to the world, you are immaculate.  Clean.  You are but on a journey, each of you, known to all as the pioneers and those who dare to challenge the status quo.   For many, the road is long and is seemingly without end.  For most the path is fraught with challenge upon challenge, and the trek is rough and treacherous for you.  You feel lost and broken.  You imagine that your actions have caused pain to others, and then also to yourself.  But you are never lost, Dear Soul.  You are blessed, revered  and so passionately loved.  You are this and always have been.  The truest essence of yourself remains behind in peace and safety, beyond the stars and kept for you amongst the comforts you remember as the hearth and Home.  And you are bringing that purest truth of  yourself into your Earthly being now, at this time, as you complete your work and bring to life a  powerful New Earth.

Please cast aside whatever doubts you may have about your Divinity.  Forget the past and start afresh with each new breath you draw.  Know that you are never judged, and know that you must never judge another.  Hold yourself no higher than the one standing beside you and consider yourself none the lower.  Step not upon a pedestal, and cast yourself never into the depths of self-recrimination and despair.  For all are One, and every one is an equal portion of the All.  Brilliant and majestic are the sons and daughters of the Holy God. 

Do not strive to be perfect.  You already are.  Do not drive yourself to excel, to become accomplished-there is nothing that you do not already know, that yopu cannot already do.  Each of you are great Masters in your own right, and you all are acting out the role you chose in this, the  grandest production the Universe has yet to behold.  At this late date, your only challenge remaining is to remember, and I agree that this is no small feat at all. 

So, there you have it.  It is so simple, truly.  It is exactly as I have just told you, precious Lightworker.  You are gentle, loving, valiant, exquisite, impeccable, confident and kind.  This is a reminder.  It is up to you to not forget.

I am Indriel. 

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.