Méline Lafont ~ Spring Equinox birthing quantum consciousness ~ Message from Self March 25, 2014

The rebirth of unification is here as the spring equinox is amplifying the oneness as a collective consciousness. So now as we all allow the integrations of our personal journeys to take place, by embracing our I AM Presence and Christed Selves, we shall now continue this journey ahead with the actualization of our former presences known as our Lemurian embodiments.

In those times our Lemurian consciousness and embodiments were of a very high and refined rate. In those days we stood beyond the need for a physical expression as we were lifted up in a higher state of awareness. Those were light bodies we were embodying at that time and so there was a shift in consciousness simultaneously as we were bypassing the borders of “death” and taking ona the form of a light body.

In this Now moment all is about to change swiftly and it will be noticed with your own awareness as the collective consciousness is being infused with a tremendous amount of energy fields that align with the Great Central Sun. The Cosmic order and level of understanding upon this plane is reaching its first amends of quantum consciousness, whereby the first HUEman beings are exploring in this state of being and are gifted with the opportunities to not only explore but to become a quantum consciousness into embodiment as well.

This Quantum consciousness that you will start to embody is being activated as we speak, this through the energies of the portal of the Spring Equinox along with the assistance of Cosmic Light integrations, Solar Flare upgrades and Photon energy waves which all assist by being embraced and allowed upon your personal reality and plane of existence.

The first troops that march towards Global Ascension and pure consciousness through awareness and Being, are those that will start to experience the grand evolution of their inner Self in grand ways. And as the Collective is finding its balance through release and cleansing, through healing and rebirth, the collective consciousness too will reach its quantum consciousness in time as all goes through the personal gates first.

The Spring equinox gateways will now amplify that which was already in creation for so long in your personal experience and reality and give it a way to be in existence. It will become even more obvious that nothing will last anymore and that every day is a new gateway and opportunity for you to retrieve that which you wish to retrieve.

It all goes through consciousness and conscious interaction with all the various levels of the Self, as to where you shall become aware of those and start to infiltrate these levels into your own awareness and reality. As to these infiltrations, those are your own actions and steps of evolution that you start to embody through consciousness rising and through merging with your higher Levels of being.

Everything that is lacking will become so obvious that you cannot miss it anymore, which will allow you the opportunity to step into a connection with it and show you what it is that you represent as a WHOLE. This beautiful shift is what you call Ascension and it is the yearning for freedom, wholeness and oneness, beauty and Love. It is all you!

As the Summer Solstice is approaching on its pace through the length of the spring equinox existence, the inflaming of your personal growth and expansion will come into the picture bringing the amplification of your highest level of being into experience and exploring. It is your time to play with your own rules so it is best to do this in Love always so that your own personal reality and the realities of those around you can be experienced in Love and Grace.

Please do enjoy this time of being, there is so much more that you might not be aware of at this time that is unfolding upon your plane. Always look at the greater picture in front of you where everything is concluded, do not stare at the details of it but look at the greater whole. Everything is a completion of one another, making this puzzle of Ascension such a Cosmic event.

Spare your forces and energies for only that which counts for you at this time, with the best interest for ALL. Remember that the more you work on yourSelf and through yourSelf, the more the grid of the entire collective is being infused with what you are ascending at this time. You shall work more on inner exploration through outer experiences, which are in fact the reflections of your inner awareness. More inside Being as the outer layers are moving ahead and are being released so that there will never be an old you but every Now moment a renewed you into infinity.

With Love, Lady Portia/ Méline Lafont

I AM that I AM

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline : http://melinelafont.com and blog Méline: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com

Apr 17 2013 Méline Lafont ~ The web of I AM Presences of Cosmic creation is detaching her beautiful grid of consciousness from the lower planes, bringing the grid of full consciousness back to the higher plane of BEING ~ From Self and through Self




(As shared previously, my current messages under my own name will be labeled under Lady Portia, for we are One and the same with no separation.  Much Love, Méline ♥)

We see much turmoil going on, for we are seeing the reflections of our physical selves emerging out of duality.  These scenes are hard to grasp for the mind while the heart chooses to ascend, reflecting these inner heart choices into your outer world.  Now as Ascension is taking place, true desires and manifestations are grounding into the centre of the earth plane, demanding our full consciousness and the balance of Self, in order to be able to cope with this.


The importance of loyalty to Self and to the heart is now being reflected in the minds and understood as being a key factor in this all.  The true heart desire will shed the light in all situations for it is the desire that plays the will of manifestation.  It is the desire that reflects our heart knowledge as well, for it speaks of what we are, what we form, bring and know.


Understanding is the reflection of the true knowledge one has, being born from experience and from lessons.  A true heart desire will always bring hope along its reflection of the heart and so it is important that we understand what we reflect and what we ourselves bring.


There is no pain in death for there is only pain in deceiving, deceiving is Illusion.  Birth brings the new in you and makes way for light, for hope, for the child in you and for Love.  Birth is going on right now and it brings tears of emotions too.  As emotions are being swept away, it makes the old being released and the dark being removed, for dark is part of All That Is and so also part of your being.


Dark matters and so does Light. It is finding the balance in these 2 that makes the ride hard.  For now all is floating and mixing in energies in such ways that all will shine again as a rebirth of Light, a rebirth of you.


The I AM Presences of the web of Cosmic creation is in full creation and sliding into full consciousness, where it begins to be understood by the collective form of you; that all is creation of thoughts and heart desire.  It is necesary to be seen and understood that one should not blame, for all is creation of Self and blaming others incurs an endless form of Karma.  All is One, for all is you!  Nothing is outside of you, for all is inside of you, so blaming One is blaming you.


The web of  I AM Presences of Cosmic creation is detaching her beautiful grid of consciousness from the lower planes, bringing the grid of full consciousness back to the higher plane of BEING.  This causes dramatical changes on the Earth planes, as well as in the collective form.  All parties and aspects are trying to hold on to old patterns of being, for the merging with the new and renewed you is creating different manifestations for each.

Those vary from Bliss to chaos in 1 world that is existing of several different realities in One.  The Earth grid and the web of I AM Presences of Cosmic creation are lifting and merging as One, bringing this birth of the new You: the Cosmic Self and World.


Be Loved my Precious hearts.

I AM that I AM

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/ and http://lafontmeline.wordpress.com/

Méline Lafont ~ oneness is what has birthed us and brought us to the aspects of experiencing ~ Channeled through and from Self ~ March 25, 2013



(Note from Méline: From now on I will be channeling under my current incarnation name and not under the name of Lady Portia anymore, for we are One and the same.  But you will still find these messages under the label of Lady Portia on my pages.  Much Love precious hearts ♥)

As we now enter this new state of being, we start to see the reflections of the inner merging with the reflections of the outer, forming your current reality.  Be aware that this is your renewed self and your new state of being, that is forming itself more and more into your Earthly plane, beloved Gaia’s state of consciousness.  All is combined and co-operating and seeing to it that “All That Is” now starts to be reflected as well on your inner as on your outer world.

We see the transfigurations starting to express themselves in a more conscious way, so that full consciousness can be achieved and is within reach.  As much as the collective form of human beings is shaping itself into a most enlightened way, all is within reach of your true and beautiful selves.  A big accomplishment is forming itself where trust and infinite Divine attention is involved and reaching its highest state.  See to it that the heart is always in harmony with all that you do and all that you bring in such a way that you offer help and assist other beloved hearts.


Now, a new generation of Light and enrichment is birthed, bringing us all to uniting as ONE.  Parts are melting as one and merging with our selves, forming the new and true You.  Nothing is as astonishing as becoming your one true Love source of energy and Light.  This is the most wondrous process that is taking place for all of humanity and it is a blessed opportunity. Take the opportunity that brings you into a different level of awareness and start to be this all.  There is never a difference in what you are and what another heart is, for oneness is what has birthed us and brought us to the aspects of experiencing.

All is infinite and a never ending story, for all floats in oneness and magical formations forming the YOU.  All is everything and everything is All.  The entire cosmos defines who we are as the multidimensional beings that we are.  We form the cosmos with our aspects of being and color of Light, creating this giant web of I AM. Thinking about it, we create lots of potentials because we are God creators of Light; every single one of us, with no exception.

So let us form this web of creations of our I AM presences of Light with a new intent and a new power that is called the Oneness of All and the being of Love, so that the entire Universe and beyond, being part of the cosmos, is a great contribution to this power of Love in all Oneness.

I AM that I AM

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~ Lady Portia: The breakthrough of a new frequency ~ March 21, 2013




As received on March 21, 2013

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I may announce to all of you, precious hearts, that a huge shift has taken place and is currently still unfolding. A wonderful progress has been made in the hearts and in the collective of humanity. Big leaps have been taken by many hearts and countless awakenings are still occurring thanks to the energetic influx of the spring equinox and to the energies coming in from Galactic center.

A large number of awakened souls have diligently participated in this process and have enlightened their soul in such a way that a big part of the collective have instigated a new Ascension process. As we now enter into this profound and refined world of our Being, all preparations have been made for the next step leading us ever further into the magic of our Being. Numerous influences of the Light have been birthed which will assist everything on Earth to evolve in a more explicit way, which will tintillate the flames in more and more hearts.

On this current level of your Being a more global gradation is about to be reached corresponding with the 5th and the 6th Dimensional frequency of Being. Everyone and everything can now reach a higher consciousness and a higher being up to the point that a complete connection with their Self can be established. For some souls this process has already been accomplished; their remaining task is to keep on assisting on beloved Gaia in order to lead everyone to the connection with their own Being. On the other hand some souls will be allowed to evolve further on to reach an even higher level of consciousness on another level and another way of Being. The current influxes of the spring equinox can make this all possible so grab this opportunity firmly with both hands and evolve further till you reach your desired point in evolution.

Now that we enter into this magical Earth time of the equinox, your awareness will grow and what is currently unfolding will become more obvious. It is true that many have again gone through their daily Ascension process partly because of this energetic portal; however, what we must not forget is that many new hearts have also opened up for the truth and the freedom of their Self. All in all this is a rather huge accomplishment which in its own right will give rise to many changes. These new awakenings will result in a greater collective consciousness probably leading to a planetary, global and universal Ascension and that’s ultimately the reason for your presence on Earth in these times!

During the integrations of these new and powerful energies your physical bodies will again require more rest. Do not be concerned if you don’t feel or don’t notice anything, or if you haven’t had the time to meditate thereby assisting this whole process, as those intense energies will continue to deliver their necessary effects during the coming days, leaving nobody untouched. The varying effects differ from heart to heart and from place to place. As is commonly known there are variations in dimensional frequencies on beloved Gaia and even in this case there will be strong differences to the extent in which the equinox energies can unfold in specific locations.

One specific frequency field will expect more of the collective unity of cooperation and focus than the other because there are quite a few hearts and areas still lingering in a lower frequency field. That is now about to change drastically. What has been prepared for such a long time is now slowly reaching its own zenith. Numerous souls will be able to practise their calling and definitely start their missions on a collective and conscious level. There will be a need to focus on the inner world and on the heart so that a balance can be achieved and the work can be accomplished from a beautiful state of Being.

In the coming days a focus must be placed on the still lost souls who will be in need of our support and Love as the new definitely has started in your Earthly manifestations. The collective creates and delivers what it deems necessary so that the Ascension out of duality can be completed. That happens now, dear hearts, and that is what the equinox will now carry through. Nothing is as powerful as your own thoughts and your own heart frequency so let them merge as one whereafter you will only think with your heart and only heart feelings will pour into your thoughts. We have now entered a most wonderful time that is born from the alignment of 21 December 2012, and that is now coming to pass after a long period of many modifications and creations for the new.

Mother/Father God of all creation That Is, support this magnificent opportunity with their blessing and their onconditional Love. “Every cloud has a silver lining” is the aphorism of the day. Well, enjoy the first sunrays ushering in your new world as this is the beginning of the real manifestations from all of you through your hearts into your outer world. Positive times ahead, the best is yet to come!

Be aware, dear hearts, that everything manifests itself in a “no time” zone for the NOW moment is timeless and is remaining in the heart as it is there that the new world is born. Now that we are about to start the world of timeless Being, it will be quite a challenge to get past time, but be confident in yourself precious hearts, for you know how to do this because you are in fact timeless and by nature you always have been. The more a state of balance has been reached the easier it will unfold as if you are flowing on a stream of Love leading only to the most loving and warm experiences.

With much love in my heart

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage


Méline Lafont ~ Lady Portia : We already accomplished everything in the future March 11, 2013


As Channeled by Méline Lafont  March 11, 2013

Beloved and cherished hearts of mine, let’s all together establish an invaluable connection once again, and see us in the hearts of humanity in its collective existence. I am with you all in incarnation dear hearts, I am here with you and I am present with all my love, all my glory and with my entire being.

I am you and all of you are me and together we form one unity and an incredibly strong army of Light. Not just an army of Light but a genuine fusion through hearts of hearts, and what can be more powerful than a heart filled with Love? Exactly, nothing is more powerful for Love is All That Is and Love bestows Life, energy and a feeling of togetherness which is felt deep within the hearts of all of you. There is nothing more wonderful than every heart united as one and merging into a magnificent sparkling source of Love.

Oh how my heart really yearns for this coming together with all of you for it is truly my Love and my heart’s desire to accomplish this within the reality of my incarnation. There is no wish nor an outcome that I would rather have seen fulfilled than this : real love, peaceful connections, warm interactions between humans, genuine compassion and pure harmony; a magnificent world in which everything evolves around the inner universe of the heart; the cosmic connection with All That Is! And this will come to pass my dear hearts, for it is the reason why I incarnated in this reality.

I myself as Lady Portia and my beautiful incarnation go to great lengths to bring this entire shift and the Ascension process to such great heigths so that as many groups of hearts as possible will activate their services and will join us in celebrating and in cooperating with this whole awakening process. Together we are strong and we can get the most out of it to let this wonderful world emerge according to your input, you being the co-creators.

Saint Germain, my beloved and loving other half and beautiful Self is now so busy with everything that will be unfolding and that will deliver you from your long lasting sufferings. He performs diligently and is working in overdrive so to speak, being involved simultaneously in numerous missions and assignments that he fervently sticks to because they are all so important in these times. Why this is so important in this NOW is because you have arrived at an important point and an energetic moment where everything should be duly handled, not just because the energies are most appropriate for this but also because humanity in general becomes aware of this.

We must take advantage of this current opportunity and proceed with the process and that’s what is happening now, my precious hearts. Do not feel sad or unhappy, rather be loving and grateful for everything that you are about to see, feel and know. This experience will be so breathtakingly beautiful despite the fact that you do not feel it that way in your human form, nevertheless it is so. There are countless souls in incarnation on Earth who know why they are here and they have started their missions which makes everything so hopeful and joyful because the actual outcome is a done deal, nothing can block it anymore.

We already accomplished everything in the future, precious hearts, and this is a fact! Feel how this truth quickens your heartbeat for your hearts are already in the know and they feel it. Now it is only a matter of persevering, fully knowing that you made it and that you act accordingly as you all function as co-creators of everything on Earth. Those who are and remain joyful and audacious will be affected in a lesser way than those that feel rather depressed. Be the strong and loving hearts that I know for this attitude will assist you in moving ahead and the more that humanity adopts this attitude the sooner everything will shift and will become your new reality.

I am present for all of you dear hearts and I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all of you : to those who made this possible and experienced it firsthand, to those who lended a helping hand and to who wanted to succeed. To all those I express my heartfelt thanks! My beloved Saint Germain, who I am very proud of both in this incarnation and in my higher state, will continue to assist you all until everything is as good as finished. We are a strong team, myself and my beloved, and we will be reunited as soon as possible together with other twin flames, causing a huge shift to be created for countless incarnations and for Mother Earth.

We are delighted for this very event to occur and we feel our hearts already in fire for it. Be hopeful and confident that everything goes according to plan and that we will all unite in the NOW. There cannot be another more beautiful event, for this is the best ever!

Limit yourself to a strict minimum, precious hearts of mine, for the spring equinox and the summer solstice are approaching and they will cause lots of energetic discharges affecting many of you. Also our dear Gaia will require more shifts and cleansings to purify Her completely which in turn will give rise to the most pure and strong connection She can have with the whole cosmos and with the Galactic Federations. The first contacts have already been established with your inner self on a galactic and a cosmic level and this will now become fully integrated in your being so that the full realization of this becomes a fact and is duly felt in your current reality.

My precious hearts, care deeply about one another and be there for each other when the going gets tough. I know what you are going through and you are definitely not alone. My heart burns with desire and love for you all and especially for my beloved Saint Germain, my wonderful husband and Heart of Hearts. I love you so much!

I AM that I AM

Eyah Asher Eyah

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. https://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~Lady Portia: The meaning of difficulties in relationships February 05, 2013



5 February 2013

My precious hearts, beloved and marvellous souls … We have arrived at a most blessed moment, a most enrichening time, wouldn’t you agree? Is it not tangible for your hearts, how big and full of compassion this has grown? How beautiful and heartwarming everything unfolds in your inner core is very palpable for everybody and also for all of us.



Despite this enrichment there still are some tears flowing, some hearts begging and some souls departing. Difficult times are still somewhat present to a certain degree in the hearts and in the world of humanity. This is not what you want and certainly not what you are manifesting and creating. And yet, up to a certain level there still remains a certain degree of poverty, of pain and of disturbances.



Allow me to inform you all how earnestly we are all working on that, precious hearts; how change is likely to occur in these conditions. Nothing is like it was just a month ago, everything changes in a way that is becoming tangible for all of you. You can feel it in the hearts, in your Being, but most of all in your course of action. Once your hearts achieve full enlightenment, a wave of Love will take over in such a manner that everything all of a sudden will feel very differently and your actions towards each other will change accordingly.



Many hearts have come to this conclusion and many of you have duly reached this phase. As your enrichment and your enlightenment continue, a lot gets clearer, much work will get done and much renewal unfolds. This implies a big metamorphosis, a beautiful thing to behold.



Some tinkering has still to occur to many forms, many ideas and many thoughts so to say and some issues request a focus on your inner being. Consider this opportunity as a blessing and take it as it presents itself to you, it will bring  you insights and processings, giving  you the chance to completely release it all.



Difficulties that arise in relationships with other beloved hearts are the talk of the town nowadays, so to speak. These difficulties are felt by many hearts, all too often accompanied by sorrow and disappointments. A feeling of powerlessness erupts and one is in the dark as to how to handle it. My precious hearts, step aside and view the whole situation from a different perspective fully aware that this is an opportunity or a clear message that change is on its way, putting you in the position to renew, to change or to leave it all behind.



Many hearts have come to the conclusion that specific relations, whether on a basis of friendship or of love, no longer function like they used to. Differing points of view, differing life styles, a different way of thinking and creating …. and in that way, 2 totally different worlds are built within 1 family, within 1 relationship and so on….. It all boils down to continue believing in  yourself, to hold on and to keep on standing behind your creation and your heart feeling. Do not let anyone deter you from your chosen path ; you know what you need in this moment and that’s no business to anyone, nor is it even the business of us in the Higher World.



What is the best approach when faced with this kind of situation? How to deal with it the best possible way? Well, my precious hearts, it is difficult to give a clear cut answer to that question because there are so many variables and there cannot be 1 answer that covers it all. That’s the reason why I feel compelled to give you some kind of advice and to share with you that you are not alone in this situation and that it is common in these current times because the hearts manifest and create their own creations.



There are litterally many worlds being created within this new world of the Light because you all return to your true Self, and this can vary according to other people’s thoughts and creations. I am referring now to hearts who haven’t experienced their awakening yet, partners and friends, family members and acquaintances who have no clue of what they truly are, no insights for what reason they have incarnated nor do they know who we are. I want to elaborate on this kind of relationships, these are the ones which are the most difficult.



Beloved hearts of mine, be aware that when you find yourself in these kinds of situations and when there seems to be no way out, become aware that there truly is a way out. It is sufficient to know that this way of life on the one hand and that the worlds on the other hand are in the process of splitting off and hence there can be no more cooperation. The difference is too great and there are no longer any correlations. Renewal is afoot and the old familiar is collapsing. There’s just a little space remaining of what I’m talking about and there is really not much more that can be done, besides continue building your own world, your own creation. It is your choice that is the decisive factor in all of this.



Keep track of the renewal if this is your heart’s choice and leave the awakening of a beloved soul up to the heartchoice of that specific soul. The only thing you can do is to share Love and to respect their creations, fully knowing that they too will begin with their awakening at their own pace.  Let your Love and the incomming energies do their work as an assistance to them.  Some creations vary tremendously, a fact that is reflected in your outer world.



Approach them with your Love, your compassion and most of all with your support and trust. Just to be there for them gives them a feeling of being loved and being heard, even though you do not resonate with their world. Being all ears when they are talking to you can work wonders and gives them the feeling that they are loved. Awakened souls are fully aware of what’s going on and what’s in store for them. Unawakened souls on the other hand have no clue whatsoever which makes this whole issue all the more difficult to deal with. They feel that the world is changing and they don’t know how to handle those changes, not to mention that they don’t know how to cope with the new energies. To a certain degree they can sense it but they can’t see anything tangible yet.



Lots of emotions are swarming through the physical body when pain and discord are felt in the hearts. Personal relationships seems to come to an end, friendships are cut short and family ties disappear. Those are all indicators of the renewed world that is emerging amongst you. It requires a lot of focus and energy to be able to handle this and to cope with this in your daily life. “How do I best deal with this?” is the question that is still on many minds.



Precious hearts, not much can be done unless the fellow party would wake up all of a sudden and instigate its renewal, possibly leading back to harmonious relationships. To find yourself on the same wavelength brings new and refurbished relationships, new friendships are forged and numerous possibilities are created by cooperating in projects, relationships … Those are the enlightened energies which you are creating and which you attract to yourselves.



While a specific relationship towards a person can fade away or even vanish altogether, a renewed or even a new one is waiting in the wings. Ones of an equal disposition are brought together to create renewals and to achieve refinement. When a situation looks hopeless, remain centered and grounded and extract energy from this in order to continue on and to gain insight in this situation. No clear cut answers can be given to you, just guidance leading up to gaining insights to get through this situation.



Consider every situation as a blessing as it leads you to where you are now and feel the Love and the mutual respect. Tolerance is a norm and it can be helpful to make a difficult situation bearable when it seems hopeless. Some relationships will come to their end, some relationships will be renewed in a profound way. Whatever the case, my precious hearts, Love will never perish for it is your True Self and the Source of Light, the Source of Life; Love makes us what we truly are.



I AM that I AM and I love you all !
Lady Portia.


Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be for Blogger andhttp://pleiadedolphininfos.wordpress.com as Homepage

Méline Lafont ~Lady Portia : The New World has taken its first babysteps into Humankinds’ hearts. January 19, 2013



 19th of January 2013

Precious hearts of mine, I am rejoicing about this new World that has taken its first babysteps into Humankinds’ hearts.  You now all start to exist and co-create with one another and it is the most beautiful thing to observe.  You all have gained a true expansion of Light and Love deep inside of your precious hearts of Self and of Love.  You have all chosen to be into this new Reality of the 5th Dimension going to the 6th slowly and gradually.

Do not worry about a thing, my precious hearts, for you ARE ascending and you are finding yourself more and more into this new being of your life.  You are becoming you again and you have done an amazing job with this.  Continue and persuade with this major leap in your consciousness, it will bring forth magnificent things and energies, which in itself will bring you up into the Higher Dimensions of your True being of Light.  A lot is coming to pass in the hearts of your being and a lot is still changing, adapting and bringing the hope to the hearts in need of it.


You are your own saviors, you are the Christs and the Masters of this Earth.  Like Christ, you came here to bring your Light and knowledge to others and like Christ you will Ascend yourself again until you are You again; this beauty and Source of Light and Love.  The knowledge that your hearts are bringing forth to each other is an understanding of your being, an acceptance and a far more evolved being.  This is your choice, this is your mission; all of you precious hearts!


I must share my deepest gratitude for all of this, and I do wish to spread my everlasting encouragement towards you all so that the touch of my heart to yours will keep your hearts running for infinity.  I Love to bring you all my support in being, and I truly Love to see you cherishing this precious gift to yourselves.  It is an astonishing fact, this worldwide transformation and it has already started out in the hearts of Humanity.  Spring will bring birth to all of you, the seeds will bring gifts such as beauty, Love, warmth, kindness, Harmony and of course balance, transparency, Light and communication that will join forces with all the creations that you have all been creating thus far.


As the flourishing begins and the birthing is being introduced into the Human hearts, acceptation is being fed and the arising of the awareness is a fact.  Enjoy this stage of your Ascension process as this is the very first step of it.  Every single step of this process is a journey on its own and every single one is a special one to behold!  See this as a gift not a burden.  This is the most beautiful and magnificent gift one can have and it is why you all signed up for.  See this matter of Ascension as a giant and blissful state where you can be in and experience exactly the things that the heart is choosing.  You will never settle for less than this, in fact there will only be just that.


I express now my own Light to you all, which is a state of Love and a fact of balance.  I bring you my kindness and strenght in this time of Ascension, to make you hold on during this phase of the process, and to ensure you that, yes, you all are coming and entering into  this new world as we speak.  Give your bodies and temples the “time” needed to adapt and fully integrate this as this is your lowest expression at the time merging with your True Self.  It is a beautiful and “never done before” process and this, my precious hearts, is the gift on its own to be able and express yourself at this stage of being.


Now, let’s join all of our hands and hearts and make some closure on things which are not holding ourselves into our own higher State of being.  Let go of these things and parts of your being and only serve the Light and speak Light.  There is nothing more of Light than your precious hearts and your True being of Light.  You are a Source and you are this true being of Light, always keep that in mind!

I so yearn for all of you to see this beauty of your Self and this all together in harmony and in this new born magical place of Light. Feed this New born beauty from the depths of the heart, with the perfect nourishment for it, which is LOVE.  Start seeing this beauty in the heart, for it is present already and just let it all flow out of you, atuning into your reality.


For now, I say goodbye and I will meet you in the heart.


I AM that I AM

Lady Portia


Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be for Blogger and http://pleiadedolphininfos.wordpress.com as Homepage

Lady Portia ~We have begun ~channeled by Méline Lafont Decmber 2, 2012




Precious Hearts of mine, as the days are shortening now, as the time fades away and the swelling of the NOW moment occurs slowly, you will begin to see what your natural Presence really is. Those beautiful blossoms of Light are now in the process of maturing into the most superb creations ever! Each of you is in his/her own right the most fantastic gift on Earth and you represent the Light in all your Love and in your Being. Your own creations will reveal themselves increasingly as a more Loving energy since they are now sheathed in a new coat full of glitter and brilliance.


You may expect lots of changes to occur now in a short period of time. When the time shortens, the energies will highten in intensity ensuring a maximum of shifts, following each other up rather directly. Everything has been upgraded by a notch so to speak and that’s the reason why only the most balanced souls can experience these utterly positive changes and energies on a pretty effective way. Always make good use of them, my precious hearts, as they grant many activations for all of you.


As to the more imbalanced souls it would appear that they experience more chaos these days; the inner world is always reflected in the outer world and what does it mean to be out of balance in the outer world? Yes, right, you experience chaos. I always feel responsible for those beloved souls who are trying to regain their balance and I am at their service and at the service of all of you when requests for regaining balance are uttered and a quest to experience this begins. Still there are many souls hopelessly in search for this and I am at your disposal for you all, no exceptions. My disposition is firm for all of you, it is my task and my guided Love for humanity and for the Earth.



Wishing to regain your balance implies in fact that you request to again begin to feel good and to recover yourself : to recover your true Higher Self to be exact. And is this not just what many hearts are yearning for? They yearn to get answers to questions like “Who am I”, “Why am I here?”, “What does this mission mean for my personal evolution?” Well, my beloved hearts, allow me to put your minds at ease by stating that everything will come to you. The moment when your connection to your Higher Self is again merged into one, you will once again understand it all.


This inner connection, which in fact is the merging with your Higher Being, will provide the activation of the “knowing” : when everything flows in you what you have always carried in your hearts. Memories well up in your thoughts and in your dreams as flashes of recognitions. Than all will be known ; that’s why my task is a serious and an important one. Being balanced, accepting and embodying yourself, leads up to becoming your true Self; which is what Ascension is all about.


So be full of joy in these times as this feeling will stimulate the positive energies, so please feel free to be joyful and to have fun, feel your hearts soar and feel how your love and your being grows towards yourself and to all others who are on the same frequency. Amongst those we also count your Star Family and your friends of the Light. You are going to form one huge group who together will, hand in hand, work on the enlightenment by coming together on the same wavelength. This huge group will put their tasks and talents to the benefit of many other souls on Earth, who are in need of a little push or who require some assistance in these perhaps most difficult times ever for them.


Those sleeping souls count on all of you who have found their missions and have started them on Earth and on the Higher Realms as well. We are taking a closer look at the amount of awakenings and we can proudly announce that they have accrued drastically, thanks to the many Lightworkers amongst you and thanks to all of you in general! We expect and hope to see even more awakenings taking place so that the already huge group of enlightened ones can grow even more and the forces can be bundled together.


At this very moment the powers of the Masters and the Archangels are bundling themselves to form 1 huge Light of many colors and Presences. This creates the New World for all of you, as every single colour has a specific mission and energy which it entails. The bundling together of all of these powers and energies of our Presences, will ensure that this New World will be born in a state of pure Light, which in itself will mature into a form representing your own creations. Consider this bundle of our Light as a kind of fertilization for this New World of yours.


Our powers will converge into a bundle of Light just before the final shift which in itself has started now. We lend our assistance on the highest level and are on stand-by in each moment. Your Higher Self is addressed more often now so as to come to order and to perform certain tasks. Those ones who are incarnated as a Master or an Archangel will strongly be addressed now; they know who they are and why they proceed now with their tasks at hand.


Many of us have effectively incarnated on your world, precious hearts of mine. You can find us everywhere as we are scattered all over the world. The time will now shortly come for us to reveal our true nature, this will happen when we feel the world is ready for these revelations. For now it is important to know that we are here and that we have prepared a long time for our mission. This beloved scribe is one of those incarnations of a Master, even though she does not yet feel ready to share who she is. It is sufficient for her to know for herself who she is, and this is of course true.


I want to ask all of you to begin your cooperation in all earnesty and to bundle your powers, rendering your services to others when you feel your input is required. It is very important to start now with your gifts and make them available to all those who need them. Do not worry, for all of you will be addressed through your Higher Self and you will be put on each other’s path. For now, my beloved hearts, I leave you with all my Love. I wish to be of service to all of you, no strings attached. I love you all so dearly and I send you my Love.


I AM that I AM

Lady Portia

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be for Blogger and http://pleiadedolphininfos.wordpress.com as Homepage

Lady Portia ~~ The portals of Love and activation of Twin Flames ~~ channeled by Méline Lafont on 12/11/2012


My precious Hearts, now that we are in the midst of the shifts between the 11:11 portal and the solar eclipse on 13:11, intense energies are coming your way massively as well as lovingly. These energies not only long to bring your transformations to a higher level but they also wish to bring all your lower embodiments into one unit and to empower your capabilities to the max. Much will shift as a result of this portal and this solar eclipse in a limited amount of time. It is a blessing to experience all those portals, eclipses and alignments and to feel them flowing through you energetically for they truly are a great blessing and a loving touch to all of you.


Feel how your hearts are in a state of bliss, feel them shifting into completion. The Twin Flame energies are now extremely strong in order to complete the reunion, the becoming of 1 Heart, 1 mind, 1 being into fulfillment. Feel how you and your Twin are reborn as a unity, feel how both your hearts are beginning to align to each other and feel how together the both of you begin the journey of discovery in synchronistic movement with your hearts beating as one, immortalized in the Now. It is the reunion of the Twin Flames, the joining of each other’s Love for your Twin and of letting that Love flare up once more after a long time of separation.



It is the bliss expressed through those Twin Flame hearts which will endeavour to lead the new world into a higher state. Those blissful hearts will create their own new world and it will be done in unison with their Twin Flame. Those unified hearts will improve on what has already been created, what already seeks to manifest and what is already now in full development. The creation of the new world will come to pass through the power of pure Love as expressed through Twin Flames, and this process has arrived at its most potent level on the wheel of manifestation and creation. These are powerful days between the portal and the solar eclipse so I would really like for you to think in the most positive way. Even more so I would really want you to emit positive thoughts and feelings towards each other as Twin Flames so that the subsequent manifestations will be most wonderful.


Make good use of the available energies resulting from the opening and the activation of  the portal between the 11:11 and the solar eclipse on November 13th for it is the most powerful portal up until now which is most suitable for the empowerment of Love, of unconditional Love towards the Twin Flame hearts. It will bring the beloved Twin Flame hearts together on a deeper level  in your own being and in your heart space, deep into your real being. It is the confluencing of the energies of both Twins, back to 1 energy, merged together as 1 being in the heart of your being.


Creation at its best flows from a merger of the Hearts of Twin Flames : it is a pure and unconditional Love resulting in the most stunningly beautiful creations ever.


Feel how you are getting closer in each other’s space and in your amazing Temple of Light within your Heart. It is there where the source of unification lies, it is there where you will find the source of your being, the All, the Now and the Love. Link your thoughts to each other’s being, to each other’s heart in unconditional Love forever and always! Tune in on each other’s energies for they will become one and share everything with each other so that all will again become crystal clear! Enjoy those moments in which your hearts come together and merge as one; share those moments of intense pleasure and passion and share the unconditional Love and warmth. It is so intense that it cannot compare to what your hearts have already experienced as human love feelings for each other. It surpasses way beyond the known Earthen limitations and it is far beyond the power of words to describe.


It is a state of ecstasy, of enlightenment and of pure Self Love which can be felt when making contact with each other’s heart and energy. This state of being can only be experienced with your own self and your Twin and with nobody else because your own self and your Twin  complements you on a deep inner level and brings you again to completeness. Your only and eternal Twin and Being. Trust your own energy, my dearest Hearts, and project an intense feeling of appreciation in the heart of your Twin Flame and do this unconditionally. Come closer to one another and let it happen during this portal, you will be able to feel it, without a doubt, for your heart will get warm and will shine like a sun!


My precious Hearts, I feel the compassion emerging and I especially feel the Love flaring up intensely, which in itself is beautiful to behold and to experience. Supply your loving assistance wherever needed, wherever your Heart can give fully out of Love to cheer others up. It is a process of giving and receiving which is the foundation of the most beautiful and lasting cooperation. Nourishing each other energetically, mutually exchanging energies empower the affiliations and the actual Self.



Join me in these feelings, let your hearts open and glow in warmth and Light for your Heart has a direct link to your I AM Presence who is in touch with your beloved Twin, your true self. Enjoy and be in a blissful state.


I AM That I AM

Lady Portia ♥

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be for Blogger and http://pleiadedolphininfos.wordpress.com/ as Homepage

Lady Portia ~~ The dawn of a new era ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 26/10/2012

Precious Hearts of mine, I go by the name of Lady Portia and I greet you all sincerely and respectfully with an abundance of Love and Light. I welcome you all in my enlightened energy and Presence as the I AM that I AM. I bless you all and you may take my word for it that I love you all so immensely deep with all of my heart!

It appears that all of you and all of us have taken an enormous step upward to your enlightenment. All ties to that end have now duly been cut and it is all so crystal clear how all will proceed from now on. Expect the wonder and awe of Ascension to present itself in a way you’ve never experienced before. The fact that you have brought this about in a collective way makes it all the more wonderfully beautiful for all of you and for the world. The collective context in which this came about, seals your decision for enlightenment on a global scale.♥ Moreover, it also seals your own self-being and your decision to go ahead in this life and beyond.
Lots of hearts amongst you have clearly chosen to free themselves from the wheel of karma and not to return and just to evolve further on and out of this illusion. Of those beings it is now expected that they will, once and for all, get out of it in a most “Masterly” way. That decision was a long way in the making, it certainly wasn’t decided overnight. First those souls had to wrestle with duality and its tricks destined to keep you all in an image of low self-esteem, granting you the wisdom as small as a nut.
All those petty games and hidden truths come to their end NOW, my precious ones! There can no longer be deceptions, they are just not tolerated anymore by all of you. That in itself is a clear indication that you now stand firmly in your shoes! We are only a few portals away of the actual real work so our advice to you is to take in all the energies and changes to the best of your abilities so to be able to harmoniously cope with the real work of Ascension. Your physical vessels are preparing themselves so as to let their true self explode outside of their limits which requires a lot of adjustments, that in turn can be responsible for your feelings of fatigue and of being under the weather.
I would really like to be informed, my beloved hearts, when something is too much for you to cope or when something becomes too difficult to handle…. In such cases, I will jump to your aid to restore balance in you. My fellow brothers and family of the Ascended Masters are all too willing to help you out anyway they can so that you proceed along on your magnificent journey to global Ascension.
We are not just Masters for you, for we do not consider us that way in relation to you all :  we are equal and we are One! We only received this title of Ascended Master to clarify who we are and what we stand for. We did not receive that designation to put us above all of you for we would never do that! We are your friends, your loved ones, your fellow-creatures, but above all, we are partners throughout all times. Together we left on numerous journeys, and together we will do this now during this Ascension.
Have faith in us for we have faith in you! We know all too well what is expected of all of you : and you will deliver on your missions, no doubt about that. Your hearts have grown so strong, you have intense feelings of love for one another and for yourself and because of that a huge step upward has been taken to a higher vibration. That in of itself has now granted that the lower vibrations can no longer influence your reality one way or the other. Those lower vibrations are as good as gone, taking with them their last influences, although here and there they can still show up intensely.
Be aware, my precious hearts, that this is just an illusion which those desperate ones try to uphold you, through lower vibrations taking the form of fear, despair, agression and war. The taking for real of those lower dispositions are the only means for them to succeed in their attempts. That is to say : they try to pull you back from the throne you have reached in the meantime and bring you back to again get stuck in this duality! So I want to emphasize the fact to not get involved in their petty games to which you all are invited and certainly not to give any energy nor any focus to those games. Ignore them with all of  your might and know that it is just an illusion, they are just desperate attempts to win you over!  Don’t take it for granted, this is what I really want to emphasize, my precious hearts.♥
I love you all so deeply and I only have your best interest at heart for you and your family, your friends and your loved ones. We are with you all and we send you our assistance on a daily basis whenever it is needed. You are not alone.
I AM That I AM
Lady Portia ♥

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be